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How to Hack Your Morning Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

As we are finally starting to experience some amazing spring weather, it’s always nice to get into the spirit with a little spring cleaning and take a moment to reorganize life. It’s often too easy to get caught up in the rush of finishing out the semester and the school year. Sometimes we forget to take time for ourselves and be mindful of our mind, body, and spirit.

Creating a morning routine that encourages you to connect with your mind, body, and spirit every day can help to refocus and reenergize your entire life (and honestly who doesn’t need a little extra energy). This simple guide can help you personalize your own Mind, Body, Spirit Morning Routine to help you have your best day every day!

(photo courtesy of pexels.com)

Every morning, choose at least one activity to complete from each category. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your focus, motivation, and mindfulness.


(photo courtesy of pexels.com)

_ Write a journal entry in stream-of-consciousness style…just brain-dump everything on your mind!

_ Watch an interesting TED talk

_ Listen to a podcast

_ Play a quick game of online chess

_ Watch a YouTube video that teaches you about something new

_ Think of an idea that would improve life for people

_ Read an inspiring article

_ Make a list of some of your favorite song lyrics and let them guide your day


Body(photo courtesy of pexels.com

_ Do a 15 minute workout

_ Go for a walk or jog outside

_ Watch and follow along with a YouTube yoga tutorial


_ Make a healthy breakfast or smoothie

_ Pack a healthy snack

_ DIY manicure and/or pedicure


Spirit(photo courtesy of pexels.com

_ Meditate and try to achieve mental silence

_ Write and repeat your own personal mantra

_ Write down an inspiring quote to inspire your day

_ Look out the window and notice 3 things about nature you see

_ Write a letter to family or friends

_ Facetime your parent(s)or sibling(s)

_ Write poetry

_ Listen to classical music and try to identify all of the instruments you hear