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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

The midterms have passed, and finals are now upcoming. It is important for students to manage their stress and anxiety during these times. Below are some ways that you can manage/control your anxiety.


It may look silly and cause you to be reluctant to try, but from my experience, meditation is the fastest way to relieve anxiety. Below are some meditation videos that you can follow along.

Tapping Meditation

Relaxation Technique

Try using the 5,4,3,2,1 technique to ground yourself to the current moment. Close your eyes, and first take a big, long breath. Take big breaths in between the steps.

1. Name five things you can see around you at the moment. Do not rush. Examine and visualize.

2. Name four things that you can feel around you. It can be your clothes, the chair you are sitting on, or a cup you can touch next to you.

3. Name three things you can hear. It can be the air conditioner sound, birds chirping, or people talking.

4. Name two things you can smell. It can be the smell of the room, the smell of your surroundings, or the perfume that you sprayed this morning.

5. Name one thing you can taste. It can be what you just drank or ate.

Remember, it is important to do these steps slowly by examining your surroundings. Don’t forget to take big breaths in between.

Move yourself

Don’t think to yourself that you are too busy to go for a walk or to exercise during the testing period. Give yourself a break when you feel overwhelmed or feel anxious. Go outside, take a big breath of the cold air, and take a short walk to cool your head. It would be great if you could make yourself time to go for a run or go to the gym to exercise, but if not, a short walk is just enough.


What to avoid

You have to stop drinking caffeinated drinks such as coffee and energy drinks. Take a quick (15 – 25 min) power nap when you are sleepy. Caffeine will make your anxiety worse and eventually affect you when you study.

Alcohol is also very bad for anxiety. Alcohol may sometimes seem like it can help you calm down, but over time, it will make your anxiety symptoms worse. Don’t get tricked by the short-term effects!

What may help

Drinking warm water may help you relieve some of your anxiety. Some teas that I recommend are chamomile tea or lavender tea!

Remember to care for yourself! Take some good rest as you study! Good Luck Everyone!

Mina Lee is a writer at the Her Campus at Virginia chapter. She writes articles regarding topics of trending entertainment, beauty, and pop culture. Mina has worked as an editor for Policyviz and edited the book DataViz. She has volunteered as a social media manager and a translator at the Penta Olympic Fencing Club, where she translated Chinese, English, and Korean. She is currently a Sophomore at the University of Virginia, planning to major in Commerce and minor in Drama and Computer Science. Mina enjoys fencing and cooking/baking in her free time. She also enjoys watching diverse TV shows from different countries, including China, Thailand, Korea, Japan, and France.