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Keepin’ It Real: Staying Motivated, No Matter How Hard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

I’ve always been a pretty confident person, but my confidence falters when it comes to my weight.

I’ve struggled with being overweight my entire life. I had a major breakthrough my junior year of high school, and I lost almost 45 pounds. Nonetheless, the battle to keep the scale number down is constant and it takes dedication to stick to it.

Last year, I tore my calf muscle and it set my weight loss back in ways I haven’t experienced in a while.I’ve noticed a major change in my mood and my self-perception as I’ve gained a couple of pounds. It’s frustrating to see your body change, especially when so much effort has been expended in the past.

But life is short and there’s only so much time I can spend feeling bad for myself – therefore, I’ve decided to change my mentality and get back to the gym more regularly as well as making sure I commit to a healthy lifestyle. You know why? Because life happens and it gets hard, but you don’t let it bring you down. You keep fighting.

So – I just wanted to share a couple tips I’m using as I try to get back on track…I hope it helps you guys and remember: squats not shots (seriously, drinking your calories is a no-no, but a glass of wine does keep you heart healthy… I think.)  


1) Schedule.

Make a schedule! Go over your week on Sunday night. Decide what days you can workout (realistically aim for 4-5 days, as life can get busy) and figure out an outline for what days you work your abs, arms, etc. … Just make sure you strategically plan leg day- i.e. not the day before you have to trek from the Physics building to Nau.  


2) Not a diet, a lifestyle.

Stop telling yourself you’re on a diet. You’ve just changed your lifestyle! Make sure you’re making conscientious decisions about what you put in your body. Craving something sweet? Halo top ice cream, chocolate covered strawberries, Skinny Pop snacks, etc. There are endless options!

A lot of my friends meal prep which saves time too- I’m just kinda lazy…


3) Realistic goals.

Don’t tell yourself you’ll lose ten pounds in a week because, sadly, that just doesn’t happen. It also depends on what stage of weight loss you’re at. I’ve been told that there are stages when you plateau. To make sure that doesn’t happen, switch up your workout regimen every couple of weeks because you don’t want your body to get used to what you’re doing. Just take it one step at a time, focus on your weekly (and even daily) progress.  


4) Find what motivates you.

I get super motivated by Instagram accounts. I follow various people that inspire me to push myself. I also set my screensaver to fitness models that I can realistically (well or hopefully?) compare myself to (i.e. I don’t really think I can do a Heidi Klum body, so I go more for a JLo, but if she’s your body type then: girl, get it!). Additional motivators? Have people keep you in check. Gym dates, cook with your roommate, etc. You don’t have to do this on your own!  



I’m super close to losing my first two pounds…what am I going do when that happens? Buy a cute dress. Make sure you keep track of important milestones and reward yourself- you deserve it!!!    


6) Focus on yourself, only yourself.

This mission is all about you. The best thing about a healthy lifestyle is that it feels good. I know that when I allow myself to work out and eat well, I feel like the rest of my life falls into place. So, make sure you’re taking the time to take care of you. The time at the gym is a place for you to avoid responsibility and make it your time. Working out and making good meals shouldn’t be a chore, it should be fun!


Smile, it makes you live longer!