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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Everyone has problems. Everyone has stresses, anxieties and issues that may not seem as significant to you or me. The problem, however, isn’t necessarily the problems. It’s our inability to externalize them. So often we are caught up in our own little worlds, too overwhelmed to reach out or to realize that people willing and eager to offer help surround us. Seeing a friend in need of an ear to listen to, a hug of comfort or just some words of wisdom, gives each of us the best feeling of empowerment. Every person needs to feel needed, but sadly there are many missed chances to express that necessary human exchange. College has quickly taught me that my best friends are my best therapists. They are the ones that give me the advice that I can truly value. Sometimes reaching out is the hardest hurdle to overcome. You do not ever want to be that “needy” friend. But you must realize that your needs are not a chore to those that love you; they are a challenge that they want to overcome with you.  So what is the point of this blog you may be thinking? I want every reader to take the time to know how they can be of help, or realize that they need help from the people that they value the most. The release I feel after opening up to a friend deserves to be felt by every reader. Take the time to truly notice all the outlets surrounding you. I think you will be surprised by just how miniscule your problems seem next to all the blessings that make themselves apparent. 

Francesca Lee is a fourth year majoring in sociology with a minor in media studies at the University of Virginia. This summer, she developed a passion for TV production after interning at WETA, the public television station for DC and the greater metro area.  Throughout the summer, Francesca researched, wrote and produced several WETA Around Town segments about the local arts programs and graffiti murals in DC.  As the new campus correspondent for Her Campus UVa, she is working to create video content for the UVa branch to supplement the written content.  This spring, she hopes to study abroad in Denmark and expand her knowledge of international broadcasting and advertising. Francesca also gives historical and admissions tours to visitors and prospective students at UVa and is a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority.