We’re all coping in different ways. I’m coping by spending copious amounts of time on Twitter.
- https://twitter.com/CassK9/status/1239237795073359873?s=20
We LOVE a good Disney reference. Maybe now we all understand how Rapunzel was feeling being stowed away in her castle. Evil Stepmother = COVID-19??
- https://twitter.com/SarahLMIngle/status/1238859340322410498?s=20
I have a deep appreciation for the “Oh, to be a ____” meme format, and this one does not disappoint. To be fair though, I love that 1998 babies as a whole are definitely lying about 9/11 being their first memory. My sister, born in 1997, barely remembers anything about that day; everything she remembers is just constructed from stories our mom has told her.
- https://twitter.com/SarahLMIngle/status/1238859340322410498?s=20
What we need during this trying time is the resurgence of the Chuck Norris meme.
- https://twitter.com/vomitpack/status/1238628198742495232?s=20
This is a very personal one, because my boyfriend and I live in the same town, we don’t go to school together. Now everyone else can know what it feels like to do long distance.
- https://twitter.com/sarahh_newman/status/1239209647770386436?s=20
A beautiful tweet *chef’s kiss* from my friend, Sarah, who goes to Virginia Tech.
- https://twitter.com/cowbellcable/status/1238458383235198978?s=20
A new “120 Things to do Before Your Graduate” list in the making.
- https://twitter.com/Y2SHAF/status/1238498738634723328?s=20
And finally, this one just speaks for itself.