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Rent the Runway IT Girl Program

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.


If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t, right? Well, I found a case where that statement stands to be absolutely false. I’ve been invited to be part of a deal that isn’t only too good to be true, but my mouth still waters at the thought of a closet full of 25 designer dresses that are all mine…well, mine and 19 other girls. BUT, these group of 20 girls I get to be affiliated with aren’t just any girls, they are deemed the UVA “IT Girls,” and due to their fashion, confidence, and overall pizzazz they get the honor of being a part of Rent the Runway’s new campus initiative. Jealous? You should be, but what’s even better is that girl could soon be you. Yes ladies…keep reading.

Rent the Runway has set up a new convenient, and totally awesome program where 20 select girls each month will have access to a closet full of RTR Designer dresses for only $75. Not $75 per dress (Even though I think I’d still be quite excited), but $75 for the entire month. Now I might be an Economics major, so I guess maximizing happiness is always my end all goal, but I think its also absolutely fair to say ANY girl would love nothing more than to be paying essentially $7.50 per dress. And these aren’t just any dresses, I’m talking designers including (but not limited to) Hervé Léger, Rebecca Taylor, Tibi, Lilly Pulitzer and much more. So yes, this all sounds amazing, but what makes it even better is that the closet is catered to serve the fashionistas that will be rocking the dresses that month. All the women have access to try all 25 dresses, and each has a say in picking what dresses will be part of the IT Girl closet.

So, have I sold it to you yet? I didn’t think I’d have to try to hard, but for any smart girl looking into their UVA spring semester future, they would be smart to realize that this deal saves you from scrounging for dresses for the tail gates, Thursday- Friday (Maybe Tuesday and Wednesday) night outs, and maybe even that formal that boy who sits next to you in class might be asking you to. This is your semester to shine, and you’ll be the standout girl at each party rocking your designer dress. So, until you hop onto this bandwagon, I’ll be rocking some high-end designers…But I’m happy to say, get on board!

So be sure to check out our UVA campus rep’s website, http://uvaitgirl.wordpress.com/, and email Madeline Sacripanti at mcs4mc@virginia.edu to subscribe!