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Sunday Reset: Recharge For The Week With Clarity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

During the busy school week, I often struggle to have time to take care of myself. Sundays can feel like a double-edged sword: should I use this day to unwind and recharge for the week ahead, or tackle schoolwork to alleviate stress and anxiety? However, to make this semester easier, I started doing a Sunday reset to start my week off in a positive note and have the rest of the week dedicated to academics. Here are my steps for a Sunday Reset that leaves you recharged for the week ahead:

organize your space

During the rush of the week with homework, quizzes, and exams it’s easy for your dorm or apartment to get messy quickly. The best way to relax and reset for the week ahead is to de-clutter your space and mind. I like to use Sundays to deep clean around my apartment, so that I can keep cleaning to a minimum during the week. I use this day to take out the trash, sweep and mop, clean the bathroom, and do laundry. Out of all the Sunday Reset tasks, I will say this one surprisingly takes the least amount of time.

Meal prep for the week ahead

As an upperclassman living off grounds without a meal plan, I’ve been meal prepping food during the week to keep spending at a minimum. I like to use Saturdays as my grocery days to lighten the chore load on Sundays. During the week I keep a list of any items I need to restock as well as what ingredients I need for meals I plan on eating throughout the upcoming week.


I also like to use Sundays as hair wash days and take my time with my skincare routine. Do whatever makes you feel relaxed and take this time to do something for yourself whether that’s working out, meditating, reading, coloring, or catching up on your favorite show! I prioritize activities that bring me joy and relaxation which is essential to maintaining an overall well-being.

Plan for the week ahead

To complete my Sunday Reset, I review my upcoming schedule and check meetings, classes, events, and deadlines I have to make for the week. I create To-do lists on tasks I need to complete each day of the week to hold myself accountable. I find doing this significantly reduces my stress levels as I prepare for the week ahead.


Through this Sunday Reset routine, I’ve discovered a balance that both increases my productivity and energy during the busy week. Give it a try and see how it transforms your week!

Khadijah Aslam is a third year at the University of Virginia, studying Biology on the Pre-Med track. She grew up in Northern Virginia but has a love for the vibrancy of city life. In addition to being a writer at the Her Campus at UVA chapter, she is on the executive board of the Virginia Literary Review as a poetry and art editor as well as a NICU research trainee at Children’s National Hospital. She is passionate about women's health and neonatal development, as well as advocating against domestic violence affecting pregnant women. When she’s not studying for the next test, you can find Khadijah journaling, reading a good book, or exploring new drinks at local cafes with family and friends.