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SOLIDCORE: The Workout Class Designed For Failure

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

As a lifting girly, I grew tired of my old gym regimen and decided it was time for something new. I had always wanted to try pilates, and so I found myself at SOLIDCORE with my best friend at the Old Town, VA location. I. Fell. In. Love. It was by far the hardest workout I have ever done, but it was seriously soooo rewarding.

What exactly is SOLIDCORE?

It is a high-intensity workout, pilates-ish, strength training workout. It’s only 50 minutes, and is done on a reformer machine. The classes are taught by an instructor in a group format. The music and the vibes are a 10/10, and it is very up-beat and super fun.

Why is it designed for you to fail?

SOLIDCORE focuses on that second-stage muscle failure and time under tension. We see the first stage of muscle failure when we get fatigued and tired, which you are encouraged to push through. Soon after you reach the second stage of muscle failure, you get ‘the shakes’ where your muscles are LITERALLY shaking, which is exactly where you want to be. SOLIDCORE emphasizes time under tension to build up to the shakes, which leads to the micro-tears in your muscles, which allows for muscle growth.

I say SOLIDCORE is a pilates-ish workout, because it’s designed for you to build muscle/strength train, but on a reformer. I feel as though normal pilates is slow, very relaxing, and still involves a ton of mind muscle connection and whatnot, but SOLIDCORE simply feels different.

I started in July and it is now early September and the results have been insane. I consistently have abs (if that’s something you care about hop on SOLIDCORE RN), and I feel SOOO much better after a workout. Like yes I’m def sore, however, I don’t feel like I’m going to collapse.

Nya Mason is on the writing and social media team at the Virginia Chapter. This is her first semester with HerCampus. She's also from Northern Virginia. Beyond Her Campus, Nya is involved with a national mentoring program called College Mentors for Kids and the Active Minds club. She is currently a first year at the University of Virginia with an intended pre-law major. In her free time, Nya loves to go to the gym, go on walks, get coffee, grab food, and watch movies with her friends. She also loves to read all different types of books. Nya also loves to binge watch her favorite shows like Grey's Anatomy, Friends, New Girl, and Suits.