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Why Corgis Make the Best Pet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVA chapter.

Talk about a cuteness overload! My family recently acquired a Pembroke Welsh Corgi about two months ago, and I have been obsessed with her and corgi puppies ever since. Corgis are classified as a herding breed, and are loyal, intelligent, and eager to please their owners. They have to train their muscles in order to hold their infamous ears up, and are very loving and playful. Here are five reasons why corgis make the best puppy and pet!


They are loaves of bread in dog form.

If this doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. Corgis are often compared to loaves of bread because of their body shape, color, and their heights and weights. Caramel-colored corgis are compared to white and wheat breads, and tri-color corgis are compared to marble rye bread. Yes, this is a thing.




They’re known as the royal dog breed.

Queen Elizabeth has had corgis since she was seven years old. She clearly has grown a large affection for the breed, and in documentaries, they are often seen following her everywhere. They have even been spotted in multiple episodes of The Crown!


Time Magazine


Corgis are on the smaller side

Corgis never grow to be more than ten to twelve inches tall, and never surpass thirty pounds. Their petite size makes them ideal to cuddle with, and to have as an apartment or household pet. Plus, you can pick them up and give them a big cuddly hug!




 They have the cutest butts

Corgis are infamous for having fluffy little stubs for tails, instead of longer tails like other dogs. When they walk, they somewhat waddle, and so does their butt.


The Odyssey 


 Corgi racing

Do yourself a favor and take a study break, and type in ‘corgi racing’ into YouTube. Corgis. Are. Racing. Enough said. You’re welcome.


Emerald Downs


Lastly, here’s a snapshot of my family’s tri-color corgi puppy, named Brooklyn. She’s four months old and the best little pup that anyone could ever have. And would you look at that bandana! Heart emojis!


Isabelle is a fourth year majoring in American Studies at the University of Virginia. In her free time, she enjoys binging on Netflix and taking group fitness classes. She has a tri-color corgi puppy named Brooklyn and has an unhealthy obsession with Trader Joes. Follow her at @islorenn on instagram!