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Wellness > Mental Health

5 Ways To Actually Relax Over Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Actually relaxing over Thanksgiving break can be hard when you know that you have a ton of work waiting for you back at school, but it’s not impossible.

Unfortunately, I am not going into this Thanksgiving Break with relaxation in mind. The week I return from break, I have 3 exams and an essay due… I also decided to pick up more than a few shifts at my summer job. Not to mention making time to see family and friends, while also making time for myself to relax. However, I am completely determined to relax over break. Here are some ways I am planning on relaxing in between homework, shifts, and socialization. 

Reconnecting with Nature

I know we all hate to hear it, but what they say is true. Moving your body does make you feel better. It is going to be pretty warm at home, so I am taking full advantage and hiking! I will have to sacrifice a little space in my suitcase for my hiking boots, but being in the fresh mountain air is totally worth it. 

Movie Night

I will be having as many movie nights as I possibly can. I have a Friendsgiving movie night planned with my friends from home. I will be watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving many times, my sister and I need to have our annual Twilight marathon, and I must see Wicked in the theater. Watching a movie is my favorite way to wind down. A few hours with nothing to think about but the story right in front of you sounds like a dream. 

Bed Rot 

Plan a morning where you have nothing to do, but rot in bed. I mean waking up late, turning on a show, and only getting out of bed after several hours. I think that the key to a successful bed rot is getting up at some point (for me it’s likely late afternoon…), showering, grabbing a coffee and a snack, maybe getting some fresh air in, and going back home to rot. However, I think that changing your rot location is very important. Try the living room couch, your sibling’s room, or maybe you have another couch somewhere calling your name.

Go On An Adventure

Go to that art museum in your hometown you’ve only been to once when you were 10. Go to the new boutique that opened up while you were at school. Take a trip to your favorite place and treat yourself to something! A little pick-me-up before finals is a game-changer. Go to that cute town that’s only 45 minutes away that you never go to, and wonder why you never go because it’s so fun!

Bake A Treat For Thanksgiving Dinner

Solo, with a friend, or with some family. Baking is so rewarding. Put some time and energy into making something delicious. And then, once you’ve made something magical, you can take it to dinner and have all of your family praise you for your awesome baking skills. Nothing feels better than getting hyped up over something you made. 

Take some time for yourself over break. Make the most of it! Don’t stress! A week goes by so fast, and you want to be able to enjoy time with your loved ones and time away from campus chaos. 

Hi! My name is Loren Savage, and I am Her Campus at UVM's chapter leader. I am a sophomore studying English and Public Communications at The University of Vermont. I love coffee, beach days, crafts, movies, reading, and trying new things! I love being apart of Her Campus and empowering college women through writing!