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Campus Cutie: Jen Schmuter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Name: Jen Schmuter

Age: 18

Year: First Year

Major: Plant Biology

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: Longmeadow, Mass


The Classic Question… Why UVM? I love New England and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. UVM is a great school with a great biology department, and there is so much action.

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Ben and Jerry’s flavor: Fish food, duh

Favorite Place: My bed, after a long day.  

Best vacation you’ve ever been on: 10-day trip to Israel.

Biggest Pet Peeve: It’s got to be people who talk about themselves excessively- like really self-involved people.

Something about you most people don’t know: I’m secretly super excited to get gray hair. I think it looks really cool.

Favorite Drink: I really dig iced green tea with coconut water. Shout out to Northside!

Favorite restaurant in Burlington: Boloco

Celeb Crush: Like Rihanna probs. And her butt tattoo. JK, I would have to say Liam Hemsworth. Actually wait, Adam Levine. ACTUALLY NO. Def Blake Shelton. I think he’s so cute.

Favorite Book: The Thornbirds by Colleen McCullogh. It’s a classic romance. My grandma introduced it to me; it was her favorite as well.

Favorite Season: Fall. I like the changing leaves, the cool, crisp air, and… apple picking.

The best advice you have ever been given: Trust no man. No, I’m kidding. No ragrets.

And the worst: Worst advice? At home eyebrow waxing. Thanks, mom. 

I'm currently pursuing an early childhood education degree at UVM with a minor in special education. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I enjoy writing articles for other students to explore.