I don’t understand why everyone is advocating for women to be single. I’ve come across so many different sources, which express the need for women to be single so that they won’t be restricted from doing what they want, that I can’t help but think that everyone’s forgotten how awesome it is to be in a relationship.
The Univeristy of Vermont is all about “girl power” and “sisters before misters,” and — guys it’s true — women really don’t need men. But what fun is it really without one around? You may disagree and ask me…
“What if I want to do something my boyfriend doesn’t want me to do?”
You are the boss of yourself regardless of how your boyfriend feels, and frankly, if he wants to hold you back from doing what you want, he’s a bad boyfriend. Study abroad and visit exotic paradises — there will be a man who will go with you or be waiting for you when you get home.
“Well, what about all the hot foreign guys I’m going to get to know during my semester abroad?”
I hate to tell you this, but flings with foreign guys usually don’t happen. If that’s your reason for not having a boyfriend while you’re in a different area code I’m going to guess that you didn’t even have a boyfriend to begin with.Â
“But, having a boyfriend will cut back on time I have to spend with my friends.”
You may think you have more time to socialize with your friends, but really you’re just going to watch Footloose (1984) on a loop, wish you had an ass like Kevin Bacon, and eat Nutella from the jar. All of your friends are too busy having meaningful relationships to do tequila shots with you every other night.
“What about when I graduate college?”
When you leave college you have to make some immediate and extremely stressful decisions about your future, who wants to go through that alone? Yes, you may end up have to end said relationship, but you’re going to be going through that anyway. You have a relationship with you college town, your professors and even the sweet, but kind of creepy, bouncer who let’s you into Red Square for free — all of which you’re going to have to say goodbye to eventually. Having a shoulder to cry on may be needed, and your best friend’s dog just isn’t going to cut it.
“Having a boyfriend will make me anti-social because I’ll spend all of my time with him.”
Although I have been a vitim of this, you’re the only person responsible for letting this happen. There are technically now twice as many social oppertunities that you’ll have access to; not only will you continue to meet new people, but your boyfriend’s friends are now slightly more likely to be your friends because, y’know, proximity.
Look, if you’re not already conviced that being in a relationship is awesome then wrap your head around the fact that someone will always want to have sex with you on a regualr basis in a completely non-slutty way.
“What if it turns out I absolutely hate being in a relationship?”
Then dump him and get a new one.