For starters, it may be helpful to know what it means to “romanticize your life.” It is the act of embodying the essence of being the main character in your life. This entails taking time for yourself, enjoying everyday moments, and appreciating the small things that are often overlooked. It’s typically what you will find when scrolling through TikTok compilations of people who record small snippets of their daily lives and pair it with “movie-like” music in order to romanticize their daily routine or schedule. It seems as though it’s something that can only be obtained through making a similar video, but I am here to tell you that it’s possible without social media and, in all honesty, very achievable.
As a college student, especially in the era of a pandemic, I have found it difficult to find joy in the little things I do every day. Learning to have a greater appreciation of the seemingly insignificant events in your day can help boost your mood. This essence of appreciation and recognition for the aspects of your life that seem minimal and unimportant is the intended outcome of romanticizing your life. By making a few small changes, you will alter the dynamic of your life, making the ‘little things’ more enjoyable.
I have compiled a list of ideas that can help guide you into romanticizing your own life.
Create daily routines that you are committed to, but also really enjoy.
Developing routines, especially in the morning and evening, can help you make time for self-care without even realizing you are doing so. This includes eating a real breakfast or dinner full of foods you love and make you feel good. This can also include romanticizing your shower, bath, or skincare routine. Take the time to relax and not rush these steps, play some of your favorite music, maybe say some affirmations if needed, and simply be present with yourself.
Make handwritten letters and fresh flowers your new best friend.
Taking the time to show someone your appreciation, even if it is something super small, will not only brighten your day, but can help boost your mood as well. Crafting a handwritten letter or card and gifting it to a special someone, friend, or family member with a bouquet of flowers is the epitome of romanticizing your life – and even more so, you can gift it to yourself. Nothing says romanticizing your life more than a little bit of self-love.
Create a soundtrack of all of your favorite songs for each mood or daily event.
This is where the feeling of being in a movie comes to play. Combining music to your daily moments will bring you so much pleasure and a variety of indescribable feelings. It allows you to embody being the main character in every aspect of your day. Who wouldn’t want that?
Have fun little dinner parties or gatherings with friends.
Gather your favorite people and plan a day to hang out, but with an added element of fun. Assign a theme and everyone can dress to that theme (yes, like dress-up from your childhood years), and then add relevant decor, food, and other accessories. Play some music that matches the vibe of the occasion and enjoy a romanticized moment spent with friends.
Stay off your phone and do things that make you happy.
This can be anything from painting, drawing, journaling, or spending time outdoors; do whatever it is that brings you joy but doesn’t involve a handheld device with the world at your fingertips. Channel your inner childness, use your imagination, and be present in your life. It sounds simple, and maybe a little cheesy but, take my word, it will leave you feeling so refreshed afterward.
No matter what you choose to do—from this list or your own romanticization methods—taking the time to romanticize your life will help you find joy in the simplest things and feel a stronger sense of gratitude for both the small and big aspects of your day. Romanticizing your life will boost your daily mood, bring excitement to day-to-day tasks, and leave you feeling like everyday is your own personal movie.
**Edited By: Isabella Perksy