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Using the 5 Senses to Spring into Spring Cleaning

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Spring is finally here, and that means 2 things: One, Vermont will see some significant sunshine for the first time in what was legitimately months, and two, if you haven’t started your spring cleaning yet – you better get to it! 


Spring is such a beautiful time, and don’t get me wrong, it’s so important to get outside as much as possible to soak up that vitamin D and take in some fresh warm air. But, it’s also a good thing Vermont spring has it’s dreary days too, because they make for the perfect spring cleaning weather. While it can be easy to lay in bed and do nothing on those cold and rainy days, remind yourself that summer is just around the corner and if the spring cleaning doesn’t get done this season, that clutter and weight of the winter will be carried with you into the summer – and we DON’T want that. 


I’m here to break down a simplified guide to getting your feet off the ground for your spring cleaning – and I thought, what better way to break it up than the five senses? After all, if you can attend to all of your senses with your spring cleaning, you might find some mental clarity and a mood boost throughout the process too. 


Here is my method of Using the Five Senses to Spring into Spring Cleaning.



You’ll want to start off with fueling up for your cleaning day. Personally, the first thing I would do is drive to my local coffee shop (or Starbucks), and get a fun drink to get my energy going for the day. Also, eat a good breakfast so that you’ll have sustainable energy throughout the day of organizing! Nothing worse than getting hangry mid-way through your cleaning session. If you’re feeling extra, as you should, you can also go to your nearest Target and purchase some new snacks for your room. I bought this basket at Target and keep it on a shelf in my room as a ‘snack drawer’ – it’s great to have on hand for studying and movie nights, and it looks pretty cute too. 

Spotify on iPhone
Photo by Fixelgraphy from Unsplash


Next, you will need a fire playlist to get you hyped up. Personally, I can’t clean with calming or sad music, because I just end up laying down and not finishing what I started. Honestly, if you have a workout or pre-game playlist, use that. It will work wonders and get your energy up for the day of cleaning. The right soundtrack is key to a successful spring cleaning.

Optional Tip: If you have time in advance, make a new playlist for spring and use that for the day and to set the tone for the season! Why not start it off on a positive fresh note?

cat lying in bed Bed
Photo by Gaelle Marcel from Unsplash


Now for the action. Take a look around your room. What do you see? If your surfaces are full of clutter and your floors are full of dirty clothes, you’re going to want to do these two things. 

One: Take the dirty clothes immediately to the laundry and start it.

Just start it. I know you’re thinking it’ll be fine to save it ‘til the end, but trust me once it’s started that is one less thing you’ve got to worry about.

Two: Take all of the clutter from your surfaces and put it on your bed.

This is a weird tip, but it works. Once it’s placed on your bed, make it a rule for yourself where you can’t pick up an object unless you will be putting it where it belongs. This is helpful in two ways – you are forced to put everything in its place, and you literally can’t lay on your bed until everything is where it belongs. 


Once this is done, your room should be visably clearer and more pleasant to look at. 

flower and clock
Photo by Samantha Gades from Unsplash


The feel section has two meanings.

One: How do you emotionally feel when you look at certain objects?

Asking yourself if certain objects / items of clothing ‘spark joy’ as Marie Kondo tells us, is a great way to really sort through your items. If something doesn’t make you feel good to have around – why are you keeping it around? If you’re unable to actually get rid of the stuff you dislike, tucking it somewhere out of sight will certainly help. Pick out some things that make you happy to look at, and put them where you can see them. Above all, remember that less is more when it comes to surfaces. Keeping spaces pretty minimal is a simple technique to feel more organized if you’re new to the cleaning game! 

Two: How does your room physically feel when you touch surfaces?

Is the floor grimey? Is your dresser dusty? You better get that vacuum out and some surface cleaners and get to it! When your rug is lint-free and your desk is shining again, that springtime sunlight is going to hit different in your room. 


These techniques are sure to help you and your room feel better in time for summer! 

Tea cup and candle by a bath tub
Photo by Maddi Bazzocco from Unsplash


Lastly, we have smell. This. Is. So. Important. Smell is actually considered the strongest and quickest memory inducer – and arguably the most powerful of the senses. This is why I believe that making your room smell good has such a powerful impact on your mood and the tone you set for a season. For me personally, I prefer warmer and more ‘cozy’ scents for fall and winter, and in the spring and summer I like fresh and floral fragrances. You should tackle your room’s smell in these two ways if possible:

One: Cleaning Products

​Both for the initial cleaning and for the upkeep of your room, head to the store and get some natural surface cleaners that smell nice and not too chemical-like. Some brands I like that are available at Target include: Method and Mrs. Myer’s. After your initial cleaning with these, keep them on hand to use throughout the spring and summer. Not only do they smell amazing, but they will keep your room sanitary and safe. 

Two: Candle or Diffuser

They are both incredible. Again, I sound like a broken record, but I just love Target for this stuff. They have so many candles so you can spend some quality time really picking out the perfect one for your fresh-start-spring scent. They also offer some really fun diffusers if you’re thinking of spending a bit more. While they’re initially a bit more expensive than candles, you can put in any essential oil scents as you want as time goes on. And there is no worry of falling asleep with them on! This is the diffuser I have and I would 10/10 recommend. 

With these tips, your room is sure to smell like an absolute dream and these fragrances will be the ultimate finishing touch to your spring cleaning success! 


I hope that these tips are as helpful to you as they are for me, and I wish you the best of luck with your spring cleaning endeavors. Remember, above all, to go easy on yourself and take it slow if you have to. Not all successful cleaning sessions happen in just one day, and it’s so important to listen to how you’re feeling deep down and take proper care of yourself. You deserve all the best! 





Hi, I'm Isabelle! I am a collaborative Public Communication and Community Entrepreneurship student at the University of Vermont. I am passionate about public relations within industries that give back to the world, and I enjoy writing and working with others.