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10 Reasons Why You Should Write for Her Campus-Lax

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

There are many reasons why you should want to join the UW-Lax Chapter for Her Campus. Whether you’re a science major, english major or business major, there are ways you can benefit from joining our chapter. All you need to become a part of this great organization is a hobby or interest in writing and you’re already half way there! There are so many things that come with writing for Her Campus, and I can’t wait to share so many amazing reasons as to why I love writing for Her Campus and why you should write for Her Campus, too!

1. It’s a good way to give advice and voice your opinion on different issues

What I fell in love with about Her Campus was the fact that I can help out other college girls with issues many of us are dealing with. Even though, sometimes, they may be small issues such as halloween costumes and what to wear on a fall date, it really is an awesome way to show your personality and help out others. I can voice what I think on different issues and help collegiettes that way too!

2. You get to choose what you want to write about

Going off the first reason as to why Her Campus is amazing is the fact that you get to pretty much choose what you want to write about each week! So, if you love to give advice as much as I do, you also get to choose what kidn of advice you want to tell our readers. You can write about something fun or maybe something more serious, but that choice is up to you!

3. It helps you with networking skills

Campus Cutie and Campus Celebrity are some things that we have each week. For both Campus Cutie and Campus Celebrity we pick someone on campus that has done something amazing on campus or is just an amazing person here at UW-L. These articles really give you an opportuniy to develop your networking skills, which are important skills no matter what field you plan on going in to. 

4. Make friends through Her Campus

Another amazing thing that comes from doing Campus Cutie and Campus Celebrity is that it gives you an opportunity to make some friends. 

5. Make friends with the girls in the club

Joining such an amazing organization leads you to amazing girls who all have something in common with you!

6. Improve your writing skills

Even if you’re not an english or writing major, you still have papers to write and having good writing skills is so beneficial. Employers of all career fields look for good writing and communication skills.

7. It gets you involved with other organizations

Her Campus likes to stay involved with the campus and the community. To do this, we try to team up with other organizations on campus as much as possible by planning events together.

8. Practice for your future blog/ website

If you plan on having an amazing blog like Lauren Conrad, TMZ, or the Huffington Post, some practice wouldn’t hurt! You will know more about developing articles and keeping up with a website, which are all qualities you will need when you have your own website. As digital and social media use grow, so does the need for online publication skills.

9. It helps your future and leads to other opportunities

Overall, writing for Her Campus will help your future and help you develop skills you might not have otherwise. You create many different connections that may lead you to other opportunies now or down the road! Gain other skills if you choose such as social media, event planning, and marketing skills whether through our chapter or national.

10. You get free stuff

If this reason doesn’t get you wanting to write for Her Campus RIGHT NOW, I don’t know what will. But seriously, who doesn’t love free stuff? Just one of the many perks to writing for the UW-Lax Her Campus chapter.

As a freshman here at UW-Lax, joining Her Campus was one on the best decisions I could make coming to La Crosse. It has given me a creative outlet and cool opportunies I wouldn’t have had otherwise–plus, free stuff (*wink, wink*). It really is a cool opportunity to be able to write for the #1 global online community for college women, give advice and help other girls out. I really cannot wait to see what the next few years with Her Campus bring me!

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller