Being in my early twenties it’s safe to say I’ve had my share of successful and failed relationships. More failed than successful—but every single one of my past relationships have taught me a valuable lesson: that being single in your twenties can be the best thing for you.
It seems as if the majority of my friends are settling down, falling in love and moving in with their boyfriends. I felt like I needed to be in a relationship, and I needed to keep up with my peers, but one attached relationship showed me it’s OK to be single. Heck, it made me into a better and happier individual!
Your twenties are supposed to be full of laughter, mistakes, travel and dream-catching. Here are 20 reasons why it’s OK to be single in your twenties.
1. You are completely free. Your time and your decisions are all your own. You can do what you want, when you want and where you want.
2. You don’t have to answer to anyone about anything. This is probably the only time in your entire life that this will be true—no parents, no spouse, no children.
3. Travel far and travel often. You have no husband, no kids and no reason not to pick up everything and hit the road. Plus, roughing it on a budget is way easier to do at our age. Now is the time!
4. You can discover and create the woman you want to become. You can spend time figuring out who you really are and what you want out of life, and then you can go for it!
5. You can focus on your career (guilt-free).
6. You get to starfish in your bed tonight. And every night.
7. Your free time is all your own–Do what YOU want with it!
8. You can date. Date a little, or date a lot–whatever you desire.
9. You don’t have to shave or put on makeup all the time if you don’t want to. How nice is that?
10. You can flirt and be promiscuous if you want. You can have crushes and kiss strangers—once again, guilt-free.
11. You can spend time getting to know your family again, as an adult. You don’t have to split holidays with your partner’s family or spend your weekends with their commitments. You can spend quality time and holidays with your loved ones and build stronger, more adult relationships with them.
12. You learn to be independent in every sense of the world. You only have yourself to rely on, and it pushes you to grow and figure out things on your own.
13. There’s no drama or B.S. or heartbreak. (At least not the romance kind.)
14. You learn to better appreciate the people that you do have, who love and support you unconditionally.
15. Nothing holds you back from any opportunity. You are your first priority.
16. You learn about loving yourself, and you don’t rely on anyone else for your happiness.
17. You build skills that will make you a better person and a better partner for when you find the right person. You learn to cook, budget and be independent and comfortable on your own.
18. You can experiment and make mistakes. You can chop your hair off, try a new style, get lost and find yourself again.
19. You have time to be creative and explore your passions. (Shopping is a passion in my book.)
20. You don’t have to take life so seriously. There is plenty of time to worry about the stresses of settling down, but right now you can just enjoy being young, single and free.
Finally, this may sound cliché, but don’t look for love; let it find you. Also, let me say if you’re in a happy and trustworthy relationship, props to you and keep doing what you’re doing! Our 20s is a beautiful decade full of surprises!