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8 Startiges to Keep You Motivated After the Holiday Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Thanksgiving break is this week everyone; yay, home-cooked food! However, we can’t forget we have almost three more weeks of the semester after we return and finals!


So, this week, go home and have some family time, but when you get back stay motivated. Here are 8 ways to stay motivated to push through this last few weeks of the fall semester!

1.       Set goals –Make sure they are achievable! Start small; a goal is a goal!

2.       Set up a reward process –For every group project you finish … new makeup!

3.       Don’t give up –Expect set back. Be prepared to redirect your focus to your goals when you hit a road bump!

4.       Believe in yourself – ’cause you’re awesome.

5.       Seek support –Tell others what you are doing and what you hope to achieve!

6.       Inspiration quotes –Post quotes in prominent places reminding you what your goal is!

7.       Keep healthy –Nothing is worse than being sick and trying to finish out a semester!

8.       Get out –Yes, studies are important, but don’t force it; if you need a break, take a break!

These are just a few ways to keep you on track and motivated to finish out this semester strong. Remember, you can do this; never doubt yourself!