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Campus Cutie: Adventurous, Kind-hearted, Kaitlyn Summers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Name: Kaitlyn Summers

Hometown: McFarland, WI

Major: Business 

Class Standing: Sophomore

Relationship status: Taken

What campus and/or community activities are you involved with? I am a Desk Assistant in Reuter, so that and all the activities involved with that.

What is your favorite thing about La Crosse? That everyone is outside, again, enjoying the beautiful weather.

Biggest pet peeve: Rude people.

Who’s your biggest role model and inspiration? My parents because they show me how love can last, and they are awesome people.

Describe an ideal date: An amusement park date with a picnic. 

Describe yourself in three words: Adventurous, kind-hearted, and ambitious.

Favorite food: Anything sweet! (Especially ice cream).

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? Pretty much anything! I’m kind of stuck on Taylor Swift’s new album right now. 

Favorite song to dance to: I’m really bad at dancing, so any song that tells me what to do, like YMCA—it’s hard to mess that up. 

Where are you most likely to be found on a Friday night? Either having a Netflix night with my boyfriend or working my butt off at Olive Garden, which is my other job.

What are the qualities you find most attractive in a girl/guy? A pretty smile, good humor, and someone who is willing to go on adventures with me.

What’s your go to pick up line? “I think my phone is broken.” (*What’s wrong with it?) “It doesn’t have your number in it.”

What is your dream job? Being CEO of a major company.

How does it feel to be featured as a campus cutie? It’s awesome to be campus cutie! I feel like a star.  

Kasey is a UW-La Crosse collegiate, aspiring writer, and Campus Correspondent of the HC UW-Lax team. You can follow her on Pinterest @kaseyluo, Instagram @kaseylovergaard, and Twitter @kaseyLuO