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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

This week’s Campus Cutie loves UW-La Crosse and loves meeting new people! Read more to find out why…                                                                                                   

Name: Olivia Gullickson

Hometown: St. Peter, MN

Class standing: Freshman

Major/minor: Psychology major, Criminal Justice minor

Relationship status: In a Relationship 


Describe yourself in 3 words: Hardworking, intelligent, and genuine

Describe an ideal date: Dinner and a Twins/Brewers game and ice cream after!

Campus/community activities: Employed at the La Crosse Family YMCA (Family Department), Psychology Club

What is your favorite thing about La Crosse? The bluffs and the downtown area. The people are, also, awesome.

Favorite restaurant/place to eat in La Crosse: Dublin Square

Favorite food: Steak and potatoes 

Biggest Pet Peeve: When people chew with their mouths open.

Favorite hobbies/things to do: I love anything sports related. I love going out and trying new things, and I love meeting new people.


Where are you most likely to be found on a Friday night? Either out and about with friends or inside watching movies.

Favorite song to dance to: All Night Longer by Sam Adams

Who is your biggest role model/inspiration? My older brother Alex because he has a good head on his shoulders and cares for others.

What is your dream job? Anything where I am giving back to the community and making other people happy.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? A college graduate either traveling across the world or looking at graduate schools.

Why did you choose UW-L? The atmosphere when you walk on campus, the bluffs, and the city itself. You just feel so at home and welcomed when you’re on campus.

Do you have any advice for incoming freshman? Keep your dorm door open and meet new people! These next four years are considered to be the time of your life. 

How does it feel to be Campus Cutie? I didn’t really know what it was, but it’s pretty cool, I guess. 

Kasey is a UW-La Crosse collegiate, aspiring writer, and Campus Correspondent of the HC UW-Lax team. You can follow her on Pinterest @kaseyluo, Instagram @kaseylovergaard, and Twitter @kaseyLuO