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How to Celebrate Your B-day in Lax

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

I am fortunate enough to have my birthday a couple days after Oktoberfest this year so I plan on celebrating my birthday with some Oktoberfest activities! But that got me thinking: what else can you do to celebrate your birthday at your home away from home at UW La Crosse?


There are flyers all around campus about how to attain a “Campus Cake” like the picture posted above. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to have a customized cake exactly how you like it on your birthday! (I bet your roommate will love it too…)



Your family definitely misses you more when they know it’s your special day and they aren’t able to celebrate it with you. Surprise them with a call and you’ll be sure to get all the attention you desire on your birthday from them. It’s a win-win!



You could do a plethora of things! You could buy a pizza from the front desk in your hall and watch a movie, go to the Pearl ice cream shop, skip dinner at Whitney and try someplace new, OR you could create a date with yourself and stay in bed all day watching Vampire Diaries…



Take a long shower, paint your nails (and toes!), put on a rocking outfit, and seize the day. Even if you do have an exam, quiz, essay, or the inevitable homework- set aside time in the morning or night to relax! Your special day only comes once a year!


Happy birthday to everyone at UW Lax and I hope you have a great day!


Besides being one of the shortest freshman at UW La Crosse, Marissa has passions for polka dotted umbrellas and pizza for breakfast.