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photo of corn field
Aaron Burden/Unsplash

How to Make the Most out of November

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Now that Halloween has come and passed, it’s now time to move on to bigger and better things. November is now here, and there are so many things to look forward to! The holidays are now just beginning, and it’s time we start getting in the holiday spirit. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and there’s so much to do before then! November is a beautiful month, and this year we should take the time to enjoy it.

1. Enjoy the weather while it lasts.

Pretty soon the weather is going to be dropping and dropping, so I say take advantage of the weather while you can. If you haven’t made it to a pumpkin patch or corn maze, now is the time to do it! Or, take the time to hike the bluffs one last time or do your homework outside one day, because soon it will be too cold to even want to step outside. The leaves won’t be this beautiful for long.

2. Pull out your favorite fall sweaters and boots.

The weather is only going to start getting colder, and who doesn’t love just wearing their favorite boots and cozy sweaters on a cold fall day?

3. Have a cooking day.

Something that will help get you in the holiday spirit is getting all of your friends together one day/night and have a cooking day! Try making some spaghetti for dinner and maybe some brownies for dessert. Who doesn’t love spending time with the people they love during the holidays? A cooking day is the perfect way to get all of your close friends together, especially before you all part ways for Thanksgiving break.

4. Take the time to get closer with your family.

The holiday season is all about the people you are close to, including your friends and family, and you’re probably going to be spending a lot of time with them for the next couple months. So, take the time to appreciate everyone close in your life, and take the time to get closer to them.

5. Fall drinks

Although we may not like to admit it sometimes, who doesn’t like a pumpkin spice latte? Or anything with pumpkin flavoring? One of the best parts of fall is drinking your favorite warm drink and spending some time in your favorite coffee shop down town.

6. Fall Scents

Whether you live in a dorm or a house near campus, there are still many ways to get the fall scents in your room. As for dorm rooms, although candles are not allowed, there are still other options, like wall flowers. But if you live in a house, light those candles away! There’s just something about the smell of candles that really gets you into the fall/holiday spirit.

7. Run the Turkey Trot.

Whether you’re planning on running it here in La Crosse or back in your home town, running the turkey trot is the perfect way to get you ready for Thanksgiving! 

8. Have the perfect Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is a holiday dedicated to eating everything you could ever imagine. I don’t understand who couldn’t love Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day just spending time with people you care about and being thankful for them. And don’t be ashamed to eat an extra piece of pie, or to eat a whole pie. 

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller