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How to Start Your Day Off Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

I know that just the sound of waking up early in the morning for class might make some want to jump off Grandad Bluff. It’s not easy, especially when the weather starts to get colder and your bed just seem to be getting warmer and warmer. I mean the last thing you want to do is get out of your comfy bed and walk across campus to class. I mean, we’ve all been there, but before you stop losing hope just remember there are so many reasons out there to be happy and thankful and so many reasons to make your day great.

One way to begin your day better is to start the night before by going to bed early. Do everything you need to get done before going to bed, and try to do that in a decent manner. Getting a good amount of sleep is really important, especially in college. When the alarm goes off in the morning try not to lose it, remind yourself that today is going to be a great day and try not worry about anything that has happened the day before. It’s a new day and it’s a good day to have a good day! Start it out by heading over to the gym. Getting to the gym is the hardest thing to do right in the morning, but you will not regret it when you get your workout in. By working out in the morning, your mood just autmatically improves, and it’s easier to focus and do better in school. My favorite thing to do is put on my favorite music and go for a quick run, maybe through the marsh or Myrik Park. For me, there’s no better way than running to clear your mind and destress yourself for a bit, and don’t forget about breakfast! Eating a healthy breakfast is really important and will help give you energy for the rest of the day. Also, remember to drink a lot of water from the time you get up and all throughout the day. I fill up my waterbottle every morning, and I make sure to bring it with me throughout the day. 

A couple extra things I like to do to make sure I have a good day is writing a few quotes in my planner each week. That way when opening up my planner, I realize how much I have going on that day isn’t so bad. I also like to make sure that my dorm room is in decent looking condition before I leave for class. When my room looks a little bit more put together and organized, I feel a little more put together and organized. I also think what you decide to wear each morning can have a big impact on the way you think and the way your day goes. I try to look the best I can everyday just because that way I feel the best about myself that day. And as hard as it is to do sometimes, try to keep the thoughts in your head as positive as you can. 

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller