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How to Stop Wishing for Friday and Live for Today

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Why don’t we first take the time to be thankful that midterms are almost over! If you’re anything like me, though, this may not lift your mood too much knowing that winter break isn’t for a couple of months yet, and the weather is just going to start getting colder and colder. You’d think that after living in Wisconsin for the past 18 years I would be used to the cold weather, but it doesn’t get any easier. At this time of the year I always find myself wishing that life would just go by faster and spring would get here already. When really I should take the time to appreciate every day and live my life to the fullest every single day instead of wishing my life away. But whenever I find myself thinking negatively, there are a lot of things that I try to remind myself of. Whether or not you are in the same situation or catch yourself wishing for Fridays (even if it is Halloween this weekend) I think it’s so important that we take the time to enjoy today and this moment right now. “Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?”–Louise Flory

Now, you might be thinking, how do I enjoy this moment that I’m in right now? It’s really important to make the most of today. For me, I like to make goals for each day. Rather than setting large goals like “graduate college” or “get my dream job”, I think it’s really important to set smaller goals to help you focus on just today. Sometimes I set goals such as “go to the gym before class”, “take the time to make someone else’s day” or “talk to someone new today”. Making small goals such as these can really make a huge impact on your day and how your day will go. It’s so important to try and keep a positive mind, even when you find yourself not having the best day, and by trying to change your thoughts to good thoughts you can totally turn your day and attitude around. “If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams, and you will always look lovely.”–Roald Dahl

When you find yourself wishing for Friday or for warmer weather, on top of making goals for everyday, I also think it’s really important to focus on the things you like to do and take time everyday to do something you love to do. For some, that may be reading a book, listening/playing music or going for a run. Whatever your thing may be, take time to do that everyday. It will lift your mood incredibly. Sometimes, I find myself wanting to stay inside my dorm on a cold day, whether I’m just tired and stressed or just want to be by myself. There is nothing wrong with this at all, but sometimes I find that going out and doing things with some friends is the better option. Even if you’re not feeling very social, I reccommend going out with your friends anyway, because it will lift your mood. Especially since I am not a fan of the cold weather, I still try to find the good in it. I love the fall weather, but the winter weather…not so much. So, I’ve been trying to enjoy this fall weather as much as possible. I love spending my free time either at the apple orchard, pumpkin patch, a coffee shop or enjoying all of the fall colors on a bluff hike. 

With all of this being said, I hope everyone stops wishing for Friday or break or Summer and just tries to enjoy today! “Keep smiling, because life’s a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”–Marilyn Monroe 

Happy Halloween! :)

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller