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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

It is very important during challenging times to try and keep a happy, positive mindset. When we think positively, it can help reduce the stress we have built up in our minds. Being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle and optimism lets you be more expansive and open to many different ideas. Here are a few ways I try to keep a happy, healthy, and positive mindset. 


1. Increase Your Serotonin

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood, cognition, learning, and memory, as well as many other functions. I find that a great way to boost my serotonin is to listen to music that makes me happy. I have a playlist titled “Boost of Serotonin”. When I play it, I am automatically in the best mood, and these songs make me smile and want to dance. I highly recommend creating a playlist of your favorite songs that make you happy and listening to them when you want that boost of happiness. 


2. Releasing Dopamine/Endorphins

​I know it’s not everyone’s favorite, but releasing dopamine and endorphins with exercise is a great way to boost your mood. It doesn’t need to be a two-hour, hard-core workout at the gym. A simple 15-minute walk around the neighborhood will be just fine. Releasing Dopamine will generate feelings of pleasure and reward which leads to further motivation. Endorphins will boost happiness and relieve pain and stress. It is important to find exercises that you enjoy and look forward to executing. Don’t be afraid to switch it up sometimes and try something different! As long as you get your body moving and you feel good, that’s all that matters.


3. Lessen Your Screen Time on your Phone

I always find that when I am not on my phone, mindlessly scrolling through social media, I feel better about myself. The distraction that our phone leads us to lowers our productivity, and we begin to compare our lives to others that we see. This brings a lot of negativity because we are looking at people’s “perfect lives” when, in fact, all we see are these highlighted moments. Comparison can lead to feelings of a decline in self-worth and, therefore, bring a negative mindset. When we remove the distraction of our phones and mindless scrolling, we don’t think about the negatives that come with social media. Living in the moment and not caring about what others are posting about is really life-changing. I highly recommend trying to get your screen time down and start to live in the movement without your phone. I promise you aren’t missing much.

Hannah Statz

UW Lax '24

Hi! I'm Hannah and I'm currently a freshman at UWL. I'm majoring in Communications and Public Advocacy and I'm super excited to start writing!