Meet Jenna Sandstrom! She’s a sophomore here at UW-L, who is one of UW-L’s peace Ambassadors!Â
1. What year are you? Â
2. Hometown? Â
Poynette, WI.
3. Major/Minor Major: Â
Community Health Education Minor: Spanish
4. What student orgs/clubs are you involved in on campus? Â
Peace Corps Ambassador, Eta Sigma Gamma, and ALANA
5. What do you love most about being a sophomore in college?
 I finally live in a building with air conditioning.
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, I will be a volunteer for the Peace Corps, living it up in another country.
7. What do you hope to accomplish this year?
Through my position as a Peace Corps Ambassador and other activities I hope to gain a more diverse perspective of the community on campus and here in La Crosse. And of course go on a million bluff hikes.
8. What is your ideal Friday night? Â
Hanging out with friends around a table of jalapeño pineapple pizza. I’m the only person I know of who likes jalapeño pineapple pizza. So, basically a pizza and I hanging out. Â
9. Tell us more about the Peace Corps and how do we get involved?
Promoters of peace and friendship, extending an international hand of service to participating countries around the world. Becoming a Peace Corps volunteer gives you the opportunity to utilize trained skills in community economic development, youth development, health, agriculture, education, and environment. If you are interested in learning more about all things Peace Corps visit Now, you’re in luck because UWL is a leading recruiting ground for Peace Corps volunteers of other comparable campuses. There are excellent resources on campus that should be taken full advantage of if you are curious about the volunteer process. Career Services is a great place to go if you have questions, need advice or guidance related to becoming s Peace Corps volunteer. Another exciting tool that is now available to students are the Peace Corps Ambassadors! There are three friendly faces here on campus—Anna Ewing, Carly Emmel, and Jenna Sandstrom—that have a passion for Peace Corps and are open to helping interested students in any way they can.
Here are some of the upcoming events:
Information session with regional Peace Corps Recruiter, Jason Lemberg. Tuesday, October 4th, 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., 2205 Centennial.
Career Fair. Wednesday, October 5th, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Valhalla, Cartwright Center.
Peace Corps Week. Monday, February 22nd – Sunday, February 28th
If you have any more questions contact the regional recruiter:
Contact Information:
Jason Lemberg
Regional Recruiter