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Reasons to Stay Motivated The Rest of The Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

I think we can all agree here at UW-La Crosse that the last thing we want to be doing the second we get back from Thanksgiving break is studying for our finals coming up. But complaining and finding every excuse not to do our work isn’t going to help anything, no matter how hard it is. There are so many reasons to stay motivated even if you may not think so. We only have 3 weeks left until the end of the semster and until we are home for the holidays! It may seem like a long time thinking about it now, but I promise you it will go by so fast! Use that motivation and let’s all finish this semester off strong! 

1. I said it once and I’ll say it again: WE HAVE 3 WEEKS LEFT!

2. Christmas is coming and if that doesn’t make you happy, I don’t know what will.

3. If you find yourself becoming distracted or if you feel like giving up, sometimes even little things like taking a break and listening to some music can really change your mood around. 

4. Soon this will be you on winter break! You might be finding yourself staying up all through the night craming before a final, but just know that soon your work will pay off and soon you’ll be able to relax.

5. You can do this! Just keep reminding yourself that you are here at UW- L for reason and we will all get through this tough time.

Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller