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What to Wear to Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Lax chapter.

Thanksgiving is coming up so soon! This means that us La Crosse Collegiettes will be on our way back home to enjoy 5 wonderful days of spending time with our friends and family. But the last thing we want to be doing when we get home is stressing out and worrying about life and college. We all want to have a nice and relaxing break, am I right? The last thing we want to be worrying about is, what in the world am I going to wear this Thanksgiving?! On top of finishing exams, papers, and homework for the next week and a half, who has time to figure out what they are going to be wearing for Thanksgiving? We’ve got you covered! Whether you have a fancy Thanksgiving party to attend or a comfortable night in with some friends and family, we’ve got the perfect ideas for you so that you are ready for the perfect Thanksgiving! 

1. Comfy and Casual Thankgiving

If you’re spending your Thanksgiving under your own roof with your immediate family or if you’re just spending it at a small get together, then a sweater and some jeans is the perfect way to go! 

2. Put-together Thanksgiving

If you’re going over to a family member’s or family friend’s house and you don’t think a plain sweater will do it, then this is the perfect option for you. Anything that is plaid will make you look put together but still looks like you aren’t trying too hard! Try a plaid shirt and a vest, a sweater, plaid scarf, or plaid dress. It is the perfect way to go to keep it festive but casual at the same time. Although, try to stay away from plaid that has both green and red in it, or else it may look like you’re going to a Christmas party.

3. Thanksgiving Party

For those of you going to a more fancy Thanksgiving party, try a nice fall colored dress, a sweater, and your favorite fall boots. 



Sarah Mueller is a senior majoring in Organizational and Professional Communication and minoring in Professional Writing. She loves to write, run, and do yoga in her free time. Follow her on instagram: sarah_muelller