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10 Reasons Cockapoos Are An Amazing Breed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.


My mom asked for a labradoodle and we ended up with a cockapoo and I don’t regret it one bit. Buddy has established himself as a beautiful dog and one of my best friends. I can’t imagine a life without him and I want everyone to know how great of a breed Cockapoos are. 

Cockapoos are hypoallergenic


I know the main reason that some people don’t own dogs are because of their shedding and the allergies that follow. Cockapoos are mixed with poodles which means they don’t shed! Perfect for keeping your black clothes from turning white and will keep the sneezing to a minimum.


Very Friendly

Cockapoos don’t have a mean bone in their body! All they want is to give kisses and get a good pat on the head. Their attitude makes them awesome to be around kids because cockapoos just want to soak up the love and affection of everyone in the room.


Radiate Happiness

Every time you walk into the room your cockapoo will be there to greet you. Now, most dogs do this, but this dog will have the biggest smile on their face. No matter if you’re gone for two minutes or two hours, they are happy to see you. Their smile will light up the room and no one can be upset when that cute face comes around the corner.  

The Moustaches


Cockapoos are known for being fluffy all over, but their mustaches are amazing! The facial hair can show if they have been running around outside, if they have been chilling all day, or if they have had a good nap. In my dog’s case, his mustache shows if he has been digging his face in the snow!


Great Companions

Companion should be a cockapoos middle name! They will love every single inch of you with all their little heart. 



Cockapoos have pretty long lifespans and that means they can be a puppy for years. Buddy is 9 going on 10 and he still acts just like he did in his puppy years!


Great Cuddlers

Cockapoos just want to be near or touching someone at all times and this makes them awesome cuddlers. Their warmth and soft coat make a great addition to a blanket and Netflix for an awesome cuddle session!



Now, I agree that all animals are adorable in their own ways, but in my opinion, no one can beat the cockapoo. They are so fluffy and the way they look at you just makes the heart melt.


Perfected The Puppy-Dog-Eyes

Cockapoos big brown eyes will make you stop in your tracks or scolding. Those eyes are the reason why they can get off with having an accident in the house. I love those cute little eyes; they can bring joy to anyone!


Cockapoos can make a game out of anything no matter how small. Buddy runs laps around the house with no one chasing him just for the fun of it and he also throws balls to himself and plays with one single piece of food. I have never seen a dog so ready to play at any moment. 

I’m willing to open my heart to other breeds, but I know now that cockapoos are the ideal breed for me. I love my cockapoo and I hope that you open your heart to one as well!

Morgan Shepler

UW Stout '21

I'm short and I like dogs.