We all know that when we go to college it’s to get an education, but college is so much more. There are many things we learn through our years on campus inside and outside the classroom.
1. How to take 12-minute naps
College is a lot of work and all that work makes us tired. Taking naps daily mixed with an unhealthy amount of coffee is completely normal in the college world. It’s a constant reminder of how good we had it back when naptime was required.
2. How to do semester-long projects in one day
For all the professors who think students can’t finish a giant project or homework assignment the night before, ten cups of coffee and no sleep proves them wrong. We procrastinate until it’s 6:00 p.m. when the project is due before midnight. But hey, we’d do it all over again, right?
3. How to love energy drinks
Now, if you’re one of the students that procrastinate until the last minute and then decide to do homework or a project all night, you’ll need something to keep you awake and going. You learn to become best friends with energy drinks like 5-Hour Energy, Redbull, or Monster.
4. How to love your roommate(s)
If you have good roommates in college, you’re blessed. College is a great place to find new and amazing friends and roommates, so having buddies that make college a blast are ones to keep around!
5. How to hate your roommate(s)
There are many warning signs of a toxic roommate. They don’t clean up after themselves, they eat your food, they bring people over without telling you, you feel you don’t have any personal space or personal time in your room, and so on. If you’re not living with your parents or significant other, college can already feel so stressful when you have to deal with school and/or work to pay off hefty student loans, so having horrible roommates doesn’t make anything better!
6. How to make/find friends as awkward as you
While living on a college campus, you’re bound to make a few friends. Occasionally, you happen to be doing something totally weird only to find that your friends do it too, or they join you. Find friends that accept you for who you are and be as awkward as you want!
7. How to stress about being stressed
One thing college teaches you is that you can become stressed out from being stressed out. Sometimes we don’t even know why we are stressed,which only makes us more stressed.
8. How to skip your 8 a.m.
Every sophomore, junior, and senior knows better than to have class at 8 o’ clock in the morning. They laugh as all the silly freshmen drag their feet to class with sleepy eyes and a look of regret while thinking, “I did this every day in high school, I can do it now!”
9. How to make meals in the microwave
Being a poor college student is tough, especially when you get the munchies. Learning to make full meals in your dorm room microwave can save you lots of time, energy, and most importantly, money!
10. How to have the time of our lives
One of the best thing colleges teaches us all is how to have fun. Despite the stress of school and working to pay off bills or loans, all the parties and late nights with friends will become some of the best years of your life before you have to become a true adult. College is the time many of us make some amazing memories that we can look back on and smile.
College teaches us a lot of things, but some of the things we actually remember don’t come from the classroom. You learn to enjoy those moments with friends and all the hard work you put in.