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7 Little Things You Can Do To Make Someone’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

1.  Smile! At friends, at strangers, at everyone you see.  See how many people you can make smile back at you.  Happiness is contagious, after all.

2.  Send letters. No, not e-mails.  Remember that excitement you got getting a letter as a kid? Well, who says snail mail is dead! Whether it be a friend you haven’t seen in a while,  far-away family members, or even your bestie you see nearly every day, you’ll be sure to bring out the kid in someone again.  

3.  Surprise someone! Meeting with classmates for a group project? Bring candy!  Or know your friend is having a bad day?  Surprise them with their favorite pick-me-up chocolate, coffee, or taco bell order!  

4.  Pay for the coffee order of someone standing in line behind you.  We’ve all heard of this one before, but how many of us have actually done it?  Whether the person looks like they could use a treat or you have a little extra spending money, the kindness will not go unappreciated.  AND if someone happens to buy your order for you, keep the love going and pay for the person’s order behind you! Let’s see how many days we can make.

5.  Compliment someone- and mean it!  Especially on something that you can tell they’ve worked hard on.  Maybe they’re trying out a new look, learned a new song on the guitar, or spent three all-nighters on their latest painting project.  

6.  Make someone laugh.  Not many things in this world are better than uncontrollable laughing fits.  Leave a random, funny voicemail to a friend or remind them of a funny moment you two have shared.  

7.  Hold the door open for someone.  The smallest gestures of friendliness can really go a long way! Bonus points if you also smile.

Her Campus at UW-Stout