College is expensive…
No kidding, way to state the obvious, right? However there has been something I’ve realized as a graphic designer that I now have to add to an already expensive experience. The cost of art supplies (and I do not mean the cheap Crayola crayons and markers from Walmart, I am talking pounds of charcoal, endless rolls of tape, and who knew paper was the worst of it all?!) is out of control. These prized possessions become the heart and soul of most students due to their price, and constant use. The biggest struggle is when the supplies over take the need for more personal necessities. I assume I am not alone when I say that I have spent more on art supplies than food this year. As negative as it seems I wouldn’t trade that for the world.
I do not expect that my college foot the bill for every object that is required, but I think there are solutions to this problem, even some fun ones. We could come together and create a place where donations of supplies could be collected. This may seem far-fetched, but for the students that no longer want and/or need their old supplies, it will give them a great place to retire their old gear. Many art students also change their major throughout their time in school, and find that the supplies are useless to them in their new major. Creating this collection could be a great way to upcycle used supplies, because I know even used charcoal can create masterpieces.
Art school has been one of the most influential experiences of my life and it has allowed me to express myself on a daily basis. The challenge is also that I get to try new things as I become more engrossed with my major, and I would hope that many of us have the same passion moving forward. That’s why I hope that even though it may not be something that can be changed, art supplies should become more accessible to all those involved in the program. Because why limit those from creating simply because the supplies were not accessible? Creation is key, so let it continue.