After a four-year career on the Blue Devil volleyball team, Karley Wiensch decided she wasn’t done with athletics.
Four years after believing her softball career was over, Wiensch decided to try out for the softball team. Not only did she make the team, she grabbed a starting spot.
Softball and volleyball have been a part of Wiensch’s life for the past 15 years.
What made Wiensch pursue softball again was her passion for the game. She says, “I was going to play both softball and volleyball all four years here, but wanted to focus on volleyball. I loved and missed softball so much.”
In volleyball, Wiensch was All-Conference honorable mention two years in a row. She made multiple all-tournament teams, and was also highlighted as a Northwestern Mutual Athlete of the Week in 2013.
In her first year on the Stout softball team, she has clinched a starting second-base spot. She notes that the team is “incredibly athletic.”
After being a part of two different sports, she says that being a part of a team is crucial to life success.
She says, “I also think that being on a team helps me to be a more well-rounded person. It helps me to open up, and that will help me to be open with my co-workers and managers in the future.”
Wiensch chose Stout because it was close to home and because her major has the second highest job placement percentage after graduation.
Wiensch is a senior Vocational Rehabilitation major from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin and will be graduating in Spring of 2016.
Photo Credit: Katie Fichter Johnson; Lori Denny