Name: Adam Ludwig
Position: Fleming|Hovlid Hall Director
College: Undergrad @ UW-La Crosse, Masters @ Western Illinois University
Degree: Undergrad in Communication Studies, Masters in College Student Personnel
Hometown: Waukesha, WI
Her Campus: How long have you worked at UW Stout?
AL: I started at UW-Stout in July 2010, so I’ll be completing my fourth year this summer!
HC: What are your duties as Hall Director?
AL: Woof, a whole bunch… but essentially we are working to enrich the college experience for our residents through personal identity development, peer connections, and campus involvement. Ultimately, we want our students to be successful academically and interpersonally, and we want to retain them at UW-Stout through their graduation.
HC: How did you get this position?
AL: Fun question! I was in student leadership for three years at UW-La Crosse and served as an RA my senior year. As a communication studies major, I wanted to get into motivational speaking and training after college. However, after an awkward interview with a company that wanted me to do sales, my hall director said I should try Higher Ed. and Student Affairs. Boom, boom, boom; I apply to graduate school, serve at West Illinois University for two years, earn my masters, and apply to Stout. Hello Blue Devils!
HC: Was being a college Hall Director your initial plan? If not, what did you originally want to do for a career?
AL: I touched on this a bit but not at all; like most people, I didn’t even know this job existed until I went to college. Since 7th grade, I wanted to be a motivational speaker, travelling to universities and businesses across the nation, doing talks and workshops about motivation, teamwork, and superheroes.
HC: What is the most rewarding thing about your job?
AL: I know this question will be follow up with the hardest part of my job… The answers are the same, it’s the students. I believe in superhero abilities and I truly believe that we have some remarkably talented students at UW-Stout. It is so rewarding to see our students and staff, develop from Point A when we meet them in September to Point B when they leave in May. The hardest part is that each of us HDs is just one person with 200-500 residents in our buildings. We use our staff the best we can to make a difference but sometimes still aren’t able to reach everyone. People are easily the most awesome and most challenging aspect of my job.
HC: What is something interesting/strange/funny that you’ve had to deal with while working at Stout?
AL: Well, when you work on a college campus, you’re never quite sure what you’ll get every day when you go to work… or when you go home after work. I’ll leave some of the fun to your imagination, however one awesome event happened the past September. Since our summer was so hot, our students were leaving every possible window open to catch what little breeze they could. Open windows equal easy access for our flying friends. I think we spent a good hour (myself, staff and students) running up and down Third Fleming shortly after midnight trying to catch a rogue bat in a plastic bag to release it to safety.
HC: Do you participate in other campus activities or events outside of your job description?
AL: You bet. I love our community and I think I am better at my job when I invest in other aspects of the University and Menomonie. Some of the most exciting on-campus include announcing Blue Devil basketball, planning the Blue Rah orientation event, and serving as the chair of the Safety and Workers’ Compensation Committee. Off-campus I serve on the Dunn County Relay For Life Committee, I’m an organizer of the Brighten the Way 5K that takes place on the Thursday of the Dunn County Fair, and I’m the Cat Superintendent for cat show at the Dunn County Fair!
HC: What is your favorite thing about Stout?
AL: Easy, the unbelievable talent and passion of our students.
HC: What is your least favorite?
AL: I want to see more student artwork, projects, etc. visible on campus. From our engineers, to interior designers, to apparel design… the list is endless! We have talent; let’s use it to make us better.
HC: How do you like living on campus?
AL: Love it. It’s a part of my job. We have beautiful facilities and it’s a social hub of information and excitement. I know that not everyone loves or thrives in that environment but maybe we can all grow and learn (if even just a little bit) from each other and this shared experience.
HC: Do you like living on South or North Campus better?
AL: Woof, tough one. I worked in Hansen|Keith Hall for three years, both have their benefits. South Campus is centrally located with high energy, constant activity, and a wonderful community. North Campus has beautiful facilities, provides a great reason to walk and stay active, and offers you a chance to deepen your relationships and grow in your independence. It depends on what you’re looking for!
HC: Are you particular to working with upperclassmen or freshman?
AL: Again, depends on what you are looking for! I loved my time working with first-year students. The energy they bring to the table is so fascinating. Most students are excited about something and I believe it’s our job to work with them to find the most productive and rewarding avenue to put their energies. The Next Experience offers very different challenges. Most students come in at very different places than one another, depending on how their first year went. The challenge now is discovering where each of our students are at and how we can best help them find their personal next step. I’ve truly loved my experience working with both.
HC: What’s an interesting fact about yourself?
AL: How about three; I own a wedding DJ and Photography business, I prefer the toilet paper to fall over the top of the roll, and I believe in superheroes.
HC: Anything else you’d like to share with readers?
AL: Did you know you’re more likely to (1) be satisfied with your college experience and (2) be retained through graduation if you get involved with even one student organization? Never again will you be in an environment with as many peers and opportunities to make a difference. I dare you to meet one new person this week or try one new organization. I dare you. Just one.