Despite how much emotional pain and stress can be caused by chopping off our hair, we convince ourselves that it wasn’t that bad the time before. It’s a cycle we put ourselves through once every couple years. The whole process begins when you see someone with shorter hair, whether it’s a celebrity or just someone on campus, and you think to yourself, “I wonder how I would look if I had hair like that.” You weigh out the pros and cons of cutting your hair and thoughts about it pop into your head that might look a little like this:
“Well, I have spent a full year and a half growing this out, I don’t know if I want to put all that to waste.”
“Not having to manage that much hair would be really nice!”
After a couple of days or weeks considering taking the plunge, you’ve probably built up a mass amount of confidence and just decided it’s time for a change. If it doesn’t turn out how you expected, you’ll just roll with it, and rock it no matter what. Before you know it, you’re sitting in the hairdresser’s chair, they’ve whipped out their clippers, and you’re saying goodbye to your long locks.
After the appointment is over, typically you’re going to go through some post-haircut sadness, but that’s totally okay! Just remember change is good. Also remind yourself that the stylist doesn’t know the ins-and-outs of your hair anyways, so once you style it yourself, it’ll look a little bit different. Finally, if you love it, that’s GREAT! If you don’t, don’t worry. Your hair does not define you!
What happens next usually goes one of two ways. The first way consists of finding a place in your heart for the new do. One of the most immediate realizations is that it only takes 30 minutes to curl it instead of 90. You’re using far less shampoo and conditioner, which is also a plus for your budget. Also, you literally have a bunch of weight taken off your shoulders.
You’re kicking yourself for cutting it, and you’re reminiscing on Facebook about your longer hair. You’ll realize eventually it was for the best. If nothing else your dead ends are completely gone and you have super soft hair!
Whether you realize it right away, or it takes some time, change is a good thing. Sometimes going all in and chopping off your hair is a great way to plunge headfirst into a style you look fabulous in, but you never know until you try! As Coco Chanel once said “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.”