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Finals: It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Yes you read the title right, and no I’m not insane. Finals themselves suck, but while suffering through them it’s always entertaining to look through GIFs, memes, and other images about finals stress every semester. Instead of taking the time to look up your own finals memes and other images, view some of the best right here!

The inevitable procrastination:





All of the stress:





When finals week is basically finals month:



Daydreaming about where your sleep went:




We become irrational:


If you’re upset that the GIFs and memes are over, don’t worry, there’s more out there! Beside getting enjoyment from these images, hang in there with finals this semester. You can do it!

Her Campus at UW-Stout