It is true there is nothing more terrifying and powerful than a woman who can do for herself. The shoes on her feet, she bought ‘em and every other Destiny’s Child song ever written. She does not rely on sugar daddies to treat herself and she doesn’t need a posse of other girls to feel like she is accepted. To truly be powerful you need to have strength on your own and that means relying on your own abilities.
As Wonder Woman, Amy Poehler has stated, “There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do!” This goes for everything you do, especially dancing. A truly confident woman will not be wary of the way she dances because she simply will not care how she looks or what other people think. So comfortable with herself, she will be sure to break it down the second she hits the floor.
A true heroine knows the importance of being able to take care of herself. That ranges from being a collegiate in school or having a solid job position. No matter her current situation she is sure to always bring her A-game to all that she involves herself in.
Wonder Women is there to help others in their times of need. A great woman will never be found bashing other woman or putting people down. She never becomes spiteful due to jealousy or envy. She is aware that everyone has a story that she knows nothing about, therefore is not quick to judge or write anyone off. A truly strong woman is one who is there to make everybody feel like somebody.
Hope is a powerful drug and one that any Wonder Woman is full of. Whether she loses a job, loses a friend, or loses a lover she knows she is never a loser and stays hopeful for the next step in her life. As the amazing Maya Angelou once said “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” A Wonder Woman holds onto hope above everything else.
In the face of adversity, she smiles. A heroine will have bad days, but she will never stay down for long. Above everything else, her strength shines through the smile she wears proudly.