Name: Elizabeth Bronk
Hometown: Byron, Minnesota
Major: Dietetics
Year: Senior
Elizabeth’s Favorites:
Movie: Practical Magic
Song: This is Gospel by Panic! At the Disco (the piano version)
Food: You can’t ask a dietetics major to pick just one! Strawberries, chips and salsa, ice-cream, and s’mores.
Vacation Spot: Up North on a lake
Celebrity Crush: Harry Styles, obviously
HC: Describe yourself in three words.
EB: Passionate, fierce, and sassy.
HC: What is something most people don’t know about you?
EB: I was in musicals all through out elementary, middle, and high school. I’ve also taken voice lessons for about 10 years.
HC: What is your ideal first date?
EB: Amusement park. All the roller coasters. And food is a given.
HC: What are your plans after college?
EB: I have to complete an internship before I sit for my RD (registered dietitian) board exam. So once I get those credentials behind my name, I just want to get a job as a dietitian- preferably in clinical but I’m not picky. After some time in the field, I want to go back to school to get my PhD. Right now I’m thinking in endocrinology. Then, I think I want to be a nutrition professor. But who knows? I might just stick with being an RD forever!
HC: Who is your style icon?
EB: I don’t know that I have anyone in particular that I look up to for style. I get a lot of inspiration from vintage looks, though. Especially, the 20s. Think Gatsby. I love glitter and floral prints.
HC: What qualities do you look for in a significant other?
EB: Being trustworthy is a big one. But, I need someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously and can just be a really good friend who likes to make-out. Ya feel me? Tattoos are encouraged.
HC: How are you involved on campus?
EB: I’m the vice president of Stout Student Dietetic Association. I’m also a member of and publicity chair for Phi Upsilon Omicron, an academic honor society, the Tau chapter. I’ve been a member of the UW-Stout Chamber Choir my entire college career and this year I’m a part of the new, all women’s acapella group, the Blue Devil Divas. Last, but not least, I’m a beauty vlogger and the social media director for Her Campus UW-Stout. :)
HC: What are 3 things you cannot live without?
EB: Food (even if I could live without it in the physiological aspect, I would still need it), cute planners, and fleece blankets.
HC: Do you have any pets? If, so what kind and name(s)?
EB: 3 puppies! Shaunty, Mitzi, and Hercules. They are my babies.
HC: What is one thing on your bucket list?
EB: Learn how to surf.
HC: What is your go-to study spot?
EB: Caribou lol
HC: What is your favorite Disney movie?
EB: Pocahontas
HC: If you could have dinner with any celebrity who would it be and why?
EB: Eddie Redmayne. He’s sophisticated, smart, and sexy. I’m willing to bet the conversation would be enthralling.
HC: What TV show are you currently binge-watching?
EB: Friends for like the third time.
HC: What is your ideal Saturday night?
EB: Drinks and dinner with the girls so I can dress up and then a quiet, cozy night in front of the TV with pillows, blankets, and candles lit. And ice cream!
HC: What is the first thing you notice about a guy?
EB: Hair, always. The longer, the better.
HC: What will be your Halloween costume this year?
EB: Probably a mermaid ;)