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Meet Two-Sport Athlete, Hank Kujak

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

“Once I settle down and get a system going, everything takes care of itself. I have been able to make every practice, make every class, and still find time to sit back and be a college student.”

Name: Hank Kujak

Major:  Business Admin.

Year: 5th Year Senior

Hometown: Blair, WI

Football Position: Quarterback

Basketball Position: Point Guard

HC: How long have you been involved in football and what/who got you into the sport?

HK: I have been involved with football ever since 5th grade, so going on 13 years actually. My Dad introduced me to football by taking me to a Wisconsin Badger game as a kid and by always watching the Packers play on Sundays.

HC: What made you deicide to play football at UW-Stout?

HK: I was impressed with how the recruiting process was handled. I attended a few games and really enjoyed how the team was handled by the coaches.

HC: What has been the highlight of your football career, thus far?

HK: The biggest highlight of my career has been getting the chance to play with my brother. We have even connected on a few touchdowns and made a lot of memorable moments.

HC: While it’s impressive to play one sport at a college level, you play two. What’s it like being a two-sport athlete, as well as a fulltime student?

HK: It is not as hard as most people think. The most difficult part is when football is finished, basketball starts the next day, so you don’t get much of break, but just transitioning over from sport to sport is overwhelming. Once I settle down and get a system going, everything takes care of itself. I have been able to make every practice, make every class, and still find time to sit back and be a college student.

HC: How did you get into basketball?

HK: I started playing organized basketball as a 4th grader. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time by myself so I would always find time to go outside or in the hay mound and shoot hoops as much as I could. You could say I’ve always had a ball in my hand growing up.  

HC: What’s your favorite memory playing UW-Stout football or basketball?

HK: That’s a tough question to choose one or the other. I’ve been very lucky and have many memories in both. For football, obviously playing with my brother will always be memorable, and for basketball my favorite memory was my freshman year when I hit the game winning shot against UW-Stevens Point to spoil their senior night.

HC: What are your plans upon graduation?

HK: My plans upon graduation are still up in the air. I know I want to move back to Blair and begin raising a family. I want to keep farming with my family and eventually run the family business one day. I have also considered looking into playing football overseas and taking time to just get away from everything and experience something new while I have the opportunity to do so. Wherever I end up, I just want to keep doing the little things that make my days happy.


Favorite Sports Team: New York Jets

Favorite Food: Charcoal Chicken

Favorite TV Show: Edge of Alaska and Family Guy

Favorite Spot on Campus: Sports and Fitness Center, Room #205

One word your friends use to describe you: Gentlemen

Jackie is currently a UW-Stout junior pursing a major in Professional Communications and Emerging Media with a concentration in Applied Journalism, working towards a career in Public Relations. Jackie is the Campus Correspondent, as well as a Feature and Campus Celebrity writer for the UW-Stout chapter. Originally from the east coast, Jackie has lived in the unfavorably cold state of Minnesota for most of her life. She enjoys blogging, music, spending time with her friends and family, cheering on her favorite MA sports teams, comedies, and simply getting up and being active. Jackie has many plans and aspirations, but has just begun her future as a writer.