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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

So I decided to write about everything that my sim wants. I sat my sim down to practice writing and took note of all her thought bubbles. The bubbles that repeated in a kind of cycle were the homework, the books, the computer, and the simoleon symbol.


She gets straight A’s, so clearly she is raving about how easy all her homework is. If she complains, it’s because there’s not enough.


In her free time, she reads all her textbooks to learn even more. When not doing that, maybe a nice mystery novel is her thing.


While she excels in school, online classes aren’t her thing. Much like myself, my sim very much prefers in-person lectures.


Sims University is very cheap. My sim is obviously excited about this. Also making fun of us in the real world about how broke we are. Perhaps she writes about how riviting it is to learn so much and that the price to attend university is a steal for what you gain from it.

A lesson to all, I gather.

Brinna Molaison

UW Stout '23

Hi! My name is Brinna and I am an Apparel Design and Development major at UW Stout! With minors in Photography and Journalism. I enjoy drawing things out of my talent range and the color pink.
Her Campus at UW-Stout