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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UW Stout chapter.

Here are some tips for taking notes and studying for finals from an art student! (So take my tips with a grain of salt.)

Write Your Notes On Paper

I find that I remember my notes better when I write them down rather than on the computer.

Highlight Key Terms and Important Information

Without the highlighter, you have no way of knowing what is what. 

Eat Something!

Snacks are a great way to take a short break from studying, and you will be able to focus better with a full stomach.


With a good amount of sleep, your brain is prepared to study for hours! A well rested brain is a productive brain!

Make Flashcards

If you have time, make flashcards of diagrams you need to remember, or definitions of key terms.

Watch Youtube Videos

If you are confused about anything, there are a lot of videos on Youtube!

Good luck on finals! You’ve got this!

Hannah Plitzner

UW Stout '23

I'm a college freshman going into Entertainment Design! I like movies, dogs, and drawing. My pronouns are she/her.
Her Campus at UW-Stout