There are a lot of opinions thrown around about having a serious relationship in college. The most common piece of advice that people get before going to college (or while in college) is to stay away from anything serious. People will tell you that college is your time to discover yourself without anyone holding you back. It’s true; if you are with the wrong person they will hold you back from doing what you love.  While it is accurate to say that college is a great time to make new friends and meet a variety of different people while discovering your interests, college in general can look slightly different for someone in a committed relationship. Here’s how:
You have someone to make memories with There is something special about looking back on moments you had with your SO, sharing inside jokes and nicknames only you two understand. Even something as mundane as going grocery shopping or spending a night at home together instead of going out becomes instantly more fun with your SO around!
You always have someone to talk toWhether you just need to vent about a stressful day or talk about current events and things that are important to you, your SO will always be there to listen and encourage you!
You know what the other person likesThere is something comforting about the fact that you two can meet up for lunch somewhere and order food before the other person gets there because you know exactly what they like. This also makes gift shopping a breeze! On a deeper level, it is awesome having someone in your life who knows you almost as well as you know yourself.
You have someone to push you to be your bestWhether you are studying for a big test or incorporating healthy lifestyle changes, your SO will be rooting for you to succeed! There is nothing better than looking back at your time in school and saying to your SO, “I couldn’t have gotten through this without you!”