If you are anything like me and sometimes forgets to put yourself before your studies, please scroll through this list and choose one, two or all the items on this list to do before fall comes to an end. Always remember that no matter how busy you are or how many “more important” things you have on your to-do list, you should make time for yourself. I can tell you from experience, that normaly the happier someone is the more productive they will be. So it might come in handy if you set a side a few hours to relax. Here are a just few ways I like to unwind during fall.
- Bake Fall Cookies
I stress bake. Even if I don’t feel hungry, whenever I feel really stressed I love to whip something up in the kitchen. If you have never baked before, don’t feel intimidated. I am not asking you to bake a five layer Black Forest cake or a Tiramisu. Buy a roll of chocolate chip cookie dough or of whichever cookie makes you happy and bake. Like I said, you don’t have to be hungry. Just bake, and instead of stress eating the treats you make, offer some to your friends and family. They will all appreciate the kind gesture.
Now if you do want to bake something from scratch, and need some inspiration I have prepared a list of my favorite fall treats:
1. Snickerdoodles
2. Apple Cinnamon Cookies
3. Chai Sugar Cookies
4. Carrot Cake
5. Oatmeal Cookies
- Go Apple Picking
Apples are delicous. Next time you want some, instead of going to a grocery store head to an apple orchard. It’s great way to go outside and get some fresh air. Apple orchards are so much fun. You get to pick your own fresh fruit, and many of then have games you can enjoy. Orchards are also really cute! They are a great place to have Instagram photoshoots.
- Go Out to Breakfast
The majority of college students have a five-minute breakfast, because noone has the time or energy to cook a nice breakfast before the sun has risen. If I’m being honest, alot of us could make the time to make better breakfasts, but that would require us to set earlier alarms and no one has time for that (pun a hundred percent intended). We need our sleep. Breakfast can be really delicious if you have the time, so set an hour or two aside every month or two and go on a breakfast date with your closest friends. It’s really fun to go out, eat a healthy breakfast and have the time to catch up on the lives of your BFFs.
- Go on a Road Trip
Call your family, or a few friends, get into a car and drive. You can either see where the wind takes you or plan your trip in advance. As long as you have people who you love with you, you will have a blast.
If you would rather relax, driving by yourself for a few hours is a great way to do just that. Play some relaxing music, and enjoy your time alone. If you do decide to take a trip by yourself, remember that nothing is more important than your safety.
- Go Thrift Shopping for Cute Fall & Winter Sweaters
The end of fall is the best time to begin adding to your sweater collection. If you don’t have one, it’s not too late to start one. I love sweaters, they are warm, cozy, and a great way to express your sense of style. Thrift shopping is the best way to buy new clothes without the price tag. So grab a few friends and head to the nearest thrift shop. You don’t even have to buy anything. You can have fun just by window shopping and trying on clothes.
Have a great rest of your fall, and remember to be thankful for what you have.