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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWB chapter.

Name: Jean Balbon​ 

Pronouns: Him/He/His

Where to find: EmailWebsiteFacebookOffice Hours

What’s your position/role in ASUWB?

Graduate Senator

What projects are you currently working on? 

Monthly cross-cohort event, GSR regular meetings, active UWB graduate FB page, all UWB graduate departments list serv, alumni professional support, and career center for graduate students

What has your experience on ASUWB been like so far this year?

Phenomenal! especially in the past two weeks!

In your opinion how does ASUWB help the campus?

The student government is created by the students, for the students. United as one, we represent them and their interests. ONE LOVE EVERYONE!

If you could recommend one food item to the students that is available to purchase on the UWB/Cascadia campus, what would it be and where can you find it?

No comment.


Gloria Gonzalez-Zapata is born and raised in Seattle,Washington. Currently she is a first year student at University of Washington Bothell and is majoring in Law,Economics, and Public policy with a minor in Arabic Both of her parents are immigrants, her mother is from Panama and her father is Mexican. she also has a brother and three younger sisters. Her favorite activities are spending time with her family, volunteering, working, and especially loves to travel to learn about other countries government, culture, and language.
Prathyusha Pillari is a 19-year-old senior at University of Washington, Bothell where she majors in Computer Science and Software Engineering. She was born in India and spent 14 years of her life there before moving to the United States. She is an advocate of women's rights and equality. She loves creative writing, traveling, driving around in her car and stalking people on Instagram.