As many of you might’ve heard, the FBI investigated the largest college admission scadel yet consisting of million dollar brides, photoshopped sports team recruitment photos, and falsified SAT scores. Over 50 families have been charged including Full House actress, Lori Loughlin and her daughters, Olivia Jade and Bella. It’s reported that she and her husband allegedly paid USC’s crew team coach $500,000 to get their two daughters recruited onto the team and direct admission into the school. Clearly, it’s an unfair process that depreciates people’s trust in the college admissions process.Â
But are we really surprised? The wealthy have been taking advantage of the system for years, but this is the first time it’s really drawing attention. Money is power and these people believed they could buy their way into anything they want, even a college education.
Here is what USC had to say about the scandal:
Both Lori Loughlin and her daughters have yet to speak out, but other celebrities aren’t holding back.Â
So, what do you all think about this case? Should the offenders recieve jail time for their actions or is what they did justifiable?