I’m now finishing my Sophomore year of college. And as crazy as that is to finally say it, it feels so real. I’ve changed as a person and am still learning through the friends I’ve made, the classes I took, and the opportunities I received. As I’m reflecting on my year, here are a few lessons that stuck with me:
Be self reliant- I have realized that if you really want something, no one wants it more than you do. It’s easy to have people motivate and push you towards a goal, but you are only as determined as you allow yourself to be. I took charge and allowed myself to take risks, even if I was unsure of the outcome. I joined clubs (Her Campus, duh!), got involved, and even decided to start my own club.
Pursue my interests- As a shy girl in high school, it was easy to go with the “norm” and do what everyone else was doing. But since I started college, I realized it was time to find my interests and really dive into it. I love writing so I joined Her Campus. I love yoga so I attended multiple classes a week and started my own yoga club. I love fashion and lifestyle, so I made a whole youtube channel dedicated to that.
Stop feeling guilty for little things- I’ve always been the first person to say “I’m so sorry” or feel upset because I hurt someone’s feelings. I have always been so cautious of being myself because it could offend someone, but at the end of the day, not everyone is going to like you and that’s okay. I learned to be myself and not acomodate to how people needed me to be.
Be okay with saying no- I’m such a “yes” person that this is so hard for me. I want to please everyone and make the most out of everything, so I seem to say yes to everything even if it’s more than I can handle. This year, I learned that I can say no sometimes. I don’t always have to be a people pleaser. I can pick and choose my battles.
Continue to chase my dreams- I’ve have always known this, but just a little reminder. Continue to chase your dreams and nothing in life will fail. I believe with the right mindset, you’ll achieve anything you put your heart into.