Studying is hard. Studying for finals is even harder. Cramming is not the best solution. Your mind needs a break! Try a couple of these tips when your brain needs a rest, but you still want to get stuff done.
1. Clean out Your Closet
In between study sessions take a second to organize your life and give back to those in need! Find that sweater you just had to have (and wore once) and give it to someone who really needs it. Donate to thrift stores, homeless shelters, or see if any organizations are putting together a clothes drive.
2. Be Active
Go walk, run, do yoga, anything! Exercise of any kind will help to de-stress, and it will allow your mind to take a much needed break.
3. Make your Bed
 It’s one small thing that might have a big effect. In one survey, 71 percent of bed makers consider themselves happy, compared to 62 percent of non-bed makers admitted to being unhappy. It could be a coincidence, but organized space can positively impact an environmental state! Anyways, it takes 30 seconds and during finals everyone needs all the happiness they can get.
4. ReadÂ
No, I don’t mean your textbook. Breathe and read something that actually interests you. A magazine, poetry, Facebook articles, or even a chapter in a good book, are all great options to help you take a break.
5. Tidy Up
Do the dishes, sweep your dorm, try to make a dent in your laundry. Messes pile up fast for a busy college student. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin published a study that shows that women who describe their living space as “cluttered”, have more evidence of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies. So de-stress and take a break to clean up a little, your mom would be proud.
6. Listen To Music
Several studies have combined their research to prove that music is extremely beneficial. It can improve visual and verbal skills, which definitely could come in handy when studying. It’s also a great mood booster. It makes people happier, and is proven to help in relieving depression and anxiety. So bust out your headphones, and try to find a new band or revisit some classics!
7. Go Outside
– Being outside has several proven benefits, that come in real handy around finals time. The sun is the best provider of Vitamin D, which helps maintain a healthy immune system. Also, spending time in nature is linked to improved attention spans, boosts in serotonin (the happy hormone) and increased activity in certain parts of the brain!
After a much needed (but not wasted)Â break, studying should be a breeze. Good luck on your finals Argos!