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The Cons of Hooking up on a Small Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWF chapter.

Hooking up typically leaves us with quite a few questions: Where do we stand? Was it just physical? Should I text them? Should I say, “Thank you”? Do they want something more? Should I get tested for STDs? The mind can spin out of control considering the intricacies of sexual relations. This is complicated enough without the limitations of hooking up on a small campus. With this extra component, the classic complications of hooking up seem exponentially increased. The cons of hooking up on a small campus are as follows:

1. You will see them.

You will; it’s a fact. There is no way to avoid running into the person that you hooked up with. Our campus is so small and there are only so many routes to the library.

2.  At least three of your friends have accidentally hooked up with the same person.

3. If your friends haven’t hooked up with the same person.

They’ve tried

4. Your roommate hooks up with someone, and they stay the night.

There is a lofty chance that you and your roommate’s consort will be walking to the same class in the morning.

5. Everyone knows.

If you hooked up with the creepiest guy on your hall during the first week of your freshman year, everyone knows. If you engaged in sexual relations with a friend, the leader of a club, your neighbor – everyone knows. Honestly, who cares? But still… You hooked up with creepy Tom.

6.  Your choices are limited.

Will it be the guy who picks his nose or the girl who chews with her mouth open? There are only so many available people to hook up with at a smaller college.

7. The chances of being caught during your Walk of Shame?

Grandiose. But work it! You’re a grown woman with full autonomy regarding your body. Slay all day, lady!


You'll find me in my hammock between classes, drooling over volcano sushi rolls, or cross stitching in silence. I'm a maritime studies student with a dream of working on oceanic documentaries or founding Atlantis, whichever comes first.