A lot of us girls in college want that “perfect” body, but finding the time to work for it might be the most difficult part. Here are six simple tips that will give you the extra push to get in the gym, stay motivated, and reach your fitness goals.
1. Plan it out!
Plan your week ahead of time and decide when you are going to make time to go to the gym. If that means waking up earlier, then do it! You have to be willing to change your schedule a little if you want to stay consistent. Also, plan what you’re going to do at the gym. I’ve gone into the gym countless times without a set plan and I never have a good workout. If you go into it with your mind set on what you will accomplish and you are more likely to finish strong.
2. Eat healthy!
What you choose to fuel your body with makes a huge difference. You can workout nonstop all the time, but if you are eating terribly, then you are not going to receive the results you want so badly. Why put in all that hard work for nothing? I’ve struggled with healthy eating because of the lack of direction of how I needed to go about it exactly, but the awesome thing is that there are several affordable meal plans available to purchase. This will help break things down and give you a clear detailed list of exactly what your body needs.
3. Find a bomb workout partner!
Personally, I find it much more fun to workout with a friend. They can help motivate and push you to finish your workout. So,make sure you choose someone who is going to stick with it and not bring you down! Having a workout partner is the perfect way to ensure you are held accountable.
4. Stay consistent.
It has been proven that it takes 21 days to form a habit. It might be hard to get started at first and stick with it. But if you can just push yourself to do it for 21 days, then you will form a habit. After 21 days, your days will be so routine that your body will scream, ‘Take me to the gym and feed me healthy food!’ It only takes 21 days of consistently working out and eating healthy. It starts NOW!
5. Don’t make excuses!
Let’s be honest, we can all come up with a million different excuses on why we deserve that piece of cake. The truth is, it’s easy to make excuses on why you can’t get in the gym or why you should eat the cake, but if you really want to make a change, excuses aren’t going to get you there! “If it’s important you will find a way, if it’s not you will find an excuse.” -Ryan Blair
6. Have fun with it!
Last but not least… have fun! Find what you love to do in the gym, so that it becomes a hobby. Who says you have to dread going to the gym? If you find what suits you best, then you can have fun and enjoy what you’re doing. So make going to the gym your escape from school, work, and stress.
Take a leap of faith and trust the outcome. Leave your excuses in the past and focus on the new you!