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Self-Care Methods That I Would Recommend For Beginners

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.

The word “self-care” is heavily prevalent in today’s society. From the regimens that you see on TikTok from your favorite Youtubers sharing their own tips on self-care, it’s something that has been normalized in a good way. You may ask, “why is self-care so important?” As someone who struggles with mental health issues, incorporating self-care into your daily routine can better improve your physical health and mental health. The power of self-care is linked to increase in self-esteem and self-love. 

Now, I wouldn’t recommend spending a butt-load of money on skin care products that are viral at the moment (unless if you want), but there are many usable and cheaper methods that you can use. For me, the methods that I use are great practices for those who want to embark on their self-care journey. I do understand that everyone is going to want different things, but if my methods are good enough for anyone, then I would highly recommend using them.

  1. Make journaling your new bestie. 

Growing up, I loved writing. I used it as a coping mechanism to help me manage stress and anxiety. Being able to jolt down my thoughts and ideas inspire me to start journaling when I enter college. This past year, I have seen an increase within my emotions and mental well-being through the different passages and prompts. For those who love writing, journaling will be a great option to incorporate into your self-care routine. If you feel stuck on this, start by writing about your day. Once you feel comfortable enough, start writing down goals that you have set for yourself as well as inspirational quotes and affirmations. 

  1. Go on walks and enjoy nature.

College can be both amazing and stressful at the same time. However, you can relieve that stress by taking yourself on a walk and embrace the feeling of being outdoors. Especially around this time of the year where the weather is crisp and cool, going on walks feels more blissful in a way. This type of method can help you get a great source of exercise, as well as being alone with your thoughts. 

  1. Spend time with your friends and family. 

As busy as our schedules can be, spending time with our loved ones can be a tricky thing to manage. Knowing how to combat this is to reach out as much as you can and let them know how you feel. Doing this can lead to frequent hang-outs at the library, going to football games, and eating at restaurants together. Spending quality time with those close to you can help better your mental well-being and keep that connection with your loved ones. 

  1. Take yourself on dates. 

This is one that a lot of people tend to frown upon. Many think that in order to go on a date, you need another person that will occupy you. This is true in some instances, but that shouldn’t stop you from treating yourself. If you have doubts about going on dates alone, don’t be ashamed. Dates to the park, a nice restaurant, or simply shopping are a great way to remind yourself that you matter just as much. 

  1. Meditate.

Meditation is one of the most common practices of self-care. Many people meditate as a way to reduce stress and it can also help with emotional health. There are many ways that you can meditate, such as taking some time of your day to read or journaling. You don’t have to do the traditional lotus position method, but it feels right for you, then pursue it. 

  1. Give yourself some mental health days.

For me, this is the most important one. I am a mental health advocate through and through, meaning that I believe in making mental health a number one priority in my life. If you’re lacking in your classes or feel like you can’t handle the pressure of being a college student, there’s no shame in taking a day off to focus on yourself. Taking mental health breaks can help you get back on track with everything and make you feel more energized, both physically and mentally. However, don’t feel the need to give up. If you are experiencing mental health struggles, reach out to the counseling center at your school and get as much as help if needed. 

Makalah Wright is a national writer for Her Campus and has contributed largely to the wellness section of the website. So far, she has written articles based on mental health, relationships, and other wellness-related topics. She has also written personal essays about real-life experiences and she encourages readers to take inspiration or learn from it. She previously served as the fall 2024 entertainment and culture intern for Her Campus. She is a senior at the University of West Georgia, studying in public relations with a minor in music. After her undergrad, she plans to get a masters in public relations and work within the media industry. She also hopes to create her own foundation that will help with funding for the performing arts in schools. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with loved ones, shopping, traveling to new places, and drinking iced coffee. She also enjoys playing the clarinet and listening to all types of music, specifically jazz.