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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWG chapter.


Traveling itself is a difficult situation when you are out of college. Well, try being in college and wanting to enjoy what little time you have left in these short four years. I have always wanted to travel in college but never had the money to be able to go to all the places I wanted to go to.

– Ibiza, Spain

– Bali, Indonesia

– London,  England

– Paris, France

The list goes on and I never thought I would be able to travel at all in my college career. However, as the Fall semester of my senior year progresses, I have become increasingly excited about the one weekend trip I will be taking in December. In a low-funded situation like mine, starting out small is beneficial if you want to save money. Here are some tips that have helped me when planning this first ever weekend trip.

First, have an idea of where you want to go.

It is better to have an inking of where you want to go versus just “winging it.” That sentiment can only get you so far when traveling somewhere not near your home.

Second, what does your bank account look like?

College students, we are broke. This is a common known fact and it is hard to even get groceries to survive on a daily basis. Even though our bank accounts look a tad bit sad, there are ways to offset some of your traveling costs if you take the right steps.

Photo by Katie Harp – Pinterest Manager on Unsplash

Sometimes, we do not know where to begin. If you follow even a few of these steps, I am sure you will achieve your goal.

1. If you do not have the money, you can fundraise.

Fundraising does not mean that you are super poor and the whole world is on your shoulders. You just need a little extra help with your funds. Do NOT feel ashamed asking for help when you want to do something for yourself.

2. Decide if you are traveling by car or plane.

Believe it or not, it is safer to travel by plane versus car. However, if you love driving, go ahead and take that drive you love! Whether it’s driving or going by plane, choose what is best for you. As for me, plane will always be the best option for me. P.S. If you choose to go by plane, make sure to look at the airlines depending on where you want to go and by which months. There will always be a deal for you.

3. Make sure to pack what you need (from your closet).

It is the BIGGEST temptation to shop before a trip, however; you probably have all you need within your closet. Do NOT shop unless you HAVE to. You will have more spending money for your trip that way. #nuffsaid

4. If you are able to save up money, go right ahead and do so.

I had to start saving up money for this weekend trip that I decided to take in December. It was taken straight out of my paycheck, however; it is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time.

5. Lastly, enjoy your budgeted trip!

It is important that you do not think about how you received your budget or funds for you trip. Look on the bright side of your trip! Human beings have the tendency to look at the negatives instead of living in the moment. We as college students should not have to keep subjecting ourselves to that. Enjoy what you have and how hard you worked for this trip. Trust me, it will be more satisfying that way.

I am senior Mass Communications Major, who has a passion to change the world one woman at a time. I grew up in a diverse family that has allowed me to be very open-minded when approaching situations. I love anything chocolate without nuts. Furthermore, my fav snack are cookie dough bites. I am pretty much an open book when it comes to conversation. If you ever get a chance to talk to me I'd probably talk your ear off.